TBD on Ning

Here's a gem for all you nitwits and NimRods who unapologetically tune in:

Stephen Tyrone Johns - June 10, 2009 - slain outside the Holocaust Museum Dr. George Tiller - May 31, 2009 - slain in church
Bill Gwatney - August 13, 2008 - a super delegate slain in his own office

Officer Paul Sciullo II, - April 4, 2009 - Pittburgh - slain in the line of duty
Officer Eric G. Kelly - April 4, 2009 - Pittburgh - slain in the line of duty
Officer Stephen J. Mayhle - April 4, 2009 - Pittburgh - slain in the line of duty

I'm sure it is lost on no one that the four murderers of the above six individuals were dutiful Rush/Beck acolytes -

Tags: american, dissent

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I'm surprised that the murderers didn't have copies of both "Mein Kampf" and "The Communist Manifesto" in their possessions as well.
What? YOu want their biographies? They were all right wing wing nuts spoon fed fox rush and beck

we know where the Kool-ade is
and we know who's drinkin' it

fukin' zombies . . .

I said . . .
The fed raid of the Hutree bunch this weekend indicates that there are a lot more nuts out there.
Don't they look like a bunch straight out of 'Deliverance'? I could hear the banjos when I saw the pics.
Zen, I hope you don't mind me posting just to run nancy off the front page.
Peace Dude!!
TeeBubba - not at all . . .

And as for a vacation, I would, but honestly, there's just no time . . .

There is a new program outlined in a white paper that I allegedly have tucked away somewhere in my desk, titled REPORT FROM BALD KNOB.

The paper outlines in stark detail the resources and methods to be used, including real time behavioral analysis, complex theory within double blind multi-player game modules, and computational platforms for behavioral advertising campaigns specifically targeted at selectively chosen complex systems as they may be found in an suburban or rural setting.

Using the principles and theory of vibrational harmonics other complex systems have already been identified within a statistical model, and where matching or paired rural or suburban complex systems are identified, these entities are brought together in ways not unlike that of a super collider, where they smash in a hail of lead . . . sub atomic particles . . .

And I heard the President was in a book store the other day, holding a book by Carl Rove.

. . . all systems go . . .

AND I've heard a rumor that the recent, um, apprehension of complex system[s] in the Michigan area may be a demonstration that a certain institutional resistance may exist - and though one might suppose this is only right, proper and natural; the reality is that with every foundary there is always waste or dross if you prefer, to be swept away and recycled for other uses . . .
Love some of those headlines on the alternet.org web site.

Erick Erickson Is the New CNN Go-to Bigot, Misogynist and Homophobe.

RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s Romp at a Bondage-Themed Strip Club, on GOP’s Dime

Palin Tells Constitution-Loving Tea Partiers: We Don’t Need A President Who Is A ‘Constitutional Law Professor’
"RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s Romp at a Bondage-Themed Strip Club, on GOP’s Dime"

Heh. How appropriate.
My sentiments exactly!




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