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I watched Coming Home last night with Jane Fonda and Jon Voight about vets and the aftermath of war on them.  The sound track was amazing, and each song played quietly in the background in its entirety; this had the effect of throwing me right back to 1965-69 when I was a girl and every young man I knew went to Nam.

Here is the list of the songs:

Hey Jude
Strawberry Fields Forever
Call on Me
Once I Was
Expecting to Fly
For What It's Worth
Time Has Come Today
Just Like a Woman
Save Me
Manic Depression
White Rabbit
Out of Time
No Expectations
Jumpin' Jack Flash
My Girl
Ruby Tuesday
Sympathy for the Devil
Born to Be Wild
The Star Spangled Banner
(1814) (

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I remember the times well and the music. We could use some good "protest songs" now days.
I lived my life for 6 years just worrying about getting drafted. In December 1969 they drew the first lottery numbers. Mine was 256, well above the number that would probably be drafted. What a relief that was.

i remember the time well .. almost like it was yesterday .. my number was 150 in 72 and they said they were gonna take up to 160 that year but they never called me .. i had one eye on canada .. 

can't believe they missed these .. 

or this one .. 

Some people say Al Gore was the inspiration for Fortune Son. John Fogerty says he wasn't. But Gore went to Vietnam unlike the children of most powerful people, be as a reporter for Stars and Stripes. Albert Gore senior was one of the earliest to speak out against the Vietnam War. Cost him his senate seat in 1970. Bad time for my state.

with a few notable exceptions like admiral zumwalt's son (who died as i recall due to agent orange), name me one fortunate son who served in any combat capacity in vietnam. and that's of the ones who didn't sit the war out with a college deferment or by playing soldier in the national guard. it's particularly galling that some of the legacy students in prestigious universities kept their deferment by dint of tutors and endowments, not intelligence. and things don't change...guess who fights our wars today? blacks, hispanics, poor whites and those with no other opportunities due to the financial meltdown

speakin of al gore and the great state of tennesse i just gotta ask p.a.  who did al gore screw in tennesse that he couldn't carry his home state in the 2000 election ?? i mean even walter mondale who lost the 84 election by a landside ( probably the worst in history ) carried his home state of minnisota .. one of the only states he carried .. if gore could have just carried his home state then florida would have been a non issue and iraq would have been a non issue cause gore wouldn't have gone there .. we'd probably be way way way ahead of the rest of the world in solar and wind power too .. when i think what could have been .. so who did he screw ?? 

He didn't do anything other than being a democrat. In the mid 90's Tennessee became a deeply red state. I really could never figure out why. The religious right in Tennessee hated Clinton and Gore was connected to Clinton. The last time Tennessee voted for a democrat in a national election was strangely, for Clinton in '92. we have had two democratic governors since then. They cleaned up the mess made by the republicans but we have a republican billionaire as governor now who doesn't really give a crap what happens. I think he just wanted the word Governor in front of his name.

simple answer frenchy..tennesse is a coal state and so many of the coal states have an electorate that thinks the safety and environmental regulations cost them jobs. gore's green vision was in conflict with what they thought was good for them

OMG!  This one for sure.

Funny you mentioned that about your Dad. My Dad (by choice, not blood) couldn't watch the news during the Viet Nam war either. He was a Navy vet, fought in the Pacific (he always said he just helped take the boys over) and had always stayed up to watch Carson before calling it a night, and the news was on first. He watched it less and less, and then my brother went to 'Nam in November of '67 so he was there for the big Tet offensive and my Dad stopped watching the news all together.




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