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Which of the two Christmas Themes do you adher to mostly during your Christmas celebration and why?--The story of the birth of Jesus--or The story of ST. Nick?? Count me up for The birth of Jesus! Hey--what can I say--I am always a sucker for the original!

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I am more like the Griswold's than either of the others
Understandable Pickle

The original does sound a lot more plausible than stuffing some poor Santa down the chimney when the fireplace is going. :)
Amen to that Lowell! Although I have always wondered how did that aspect of the story actually get in there since I am pretty sure that fire chimneys were very well used during the time that the real St. Nick was going around town!
I like Jesus!
I go for the Bible story, the advent of hope and the gift of God to his creation .... I also like the Saint Nick thing (Santa) for little kids, as an extended tradition in giving to others ................
The Bible story is magnificent. The St. Nick thing is just pure fun and both are purely cultural and traditional.
I take neither too seriously and don't get upset about the percieved commercialization of it. The celebration of the holy birth is 100% culture/tradition. Its a nice time of year to celebrate peace on earth and a good reminder of the hope of achieving that some fine century. Its also fun to see the surprise on the faces of small children when they open gifts.
And, I love the Griswolds version as well. I love "Its a wonderful life" and "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown" and even "Trading Places".
We have the Lutefisk Theme for Christmas at our house.
What is that?
Lutefisk:(I thought it was lye-soaked herring, but I could be wrong)

I like to hear Linus reciting the Luke version of "shepherds keeping watch...."
Most department store Santas have way-phoney beards and poorly augmented waistlines. I saw one two years ago, though, that made a believer out of me again.
I saw the best looking Santa I have ever seen in Kroger yesterday and he was wearing his street clothes. No red anywhere on him.
One time, a local department store had an ad that said, "Why go to so-and-so store, when the REAL Santa is at OUR store?" I thought that was kind of tacky, and wondered how confused kids would be if they saw that ad. "Mommy, what is this about? Who is the real Santa, then?"




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