TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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chez moi is having an affair with stillgoing, they trade each others underwear and dance around by candle light.
BethD drinks her beer with a straw.
Calli and all her sheep are DRUNK again. Her friends are trying to get her and her sheep to attended some AA Meetings.
Red has a special relationship with Calli's eldest ewe...they are always flirting.

LMAO..........I like the TEETH!!!

Chez likes to hang out with those Drunken Bums over there in France and slam down shots with them at the Pub.
Red knows - he was in the local bar at 7 a.m. yesterday downing his third 'petit blanc' when I arrived.
(And the teeth are not what he likes best about her...)
Chez is going to go into partnership with Calli and raise drunken homosexual sheep and work the red light district in Amsterdam.
I'll have to add them to the tour.

Red One is planning a large wedding with his toothy ewe.
s.g. is giving up his dream of becoming a Male Stripper and will pursue a new career as a pimp for toothy HOT ewe's.
Red One thinks because he's going to marry toothy ewe he's going to get it for free...he has no idea.
Don't buy the lamb if you get the wool free... baaaaaa
Ivy wants some free wool too!




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