TBD on Ning

OMG!! State Of Emergency In Florida!!!! Please Pray For Us In Florida!!!!

Just hoping for prayers from my fellow TBD'ers, Florida State Governor Charlie Crist has just declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY!!! You aren't gonna believe this, but it is gonna get COLD!! Yep, hard to believe, but in the Tampa/St Pete area, it is expected to be 50 degrees Sat, with an overnight low of (GASP) 28 degrees. I am not sure if I will be able to survive without the prayers, and positive energy that I know good TBD'ers can generate.

Tags: weather, wimps

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Stay warm, dog!!!
TSD, I'm tryin, but the dog house doesn't have much insolation.
Blondie, Isn't there a law against that??
Lowell LOL!!!!
Now that's cute!
Not to make lite of prayer and I am not of the faith that lights candles. But it seems that you may need some candles how many would you like? One might help in 50degrees, you might have a go with two for the 28 degrees....
Candles?? Come on Sarge, I'm lookin for firewood!!
Did somebody say hard nipples?

Thanks Robbie, I feel a little warmer now.

Who you laughing at? :-) We've got ours.
1GL, This is pretty much my take on the situation too. i have lived in NE Ohio for the past 30+ years, and gotta laugh at the Floridians I see wearing winter coats, hats, and scarves cause the temp isn't in the 70's.
Or a fuzzy doggie?....Ahem...




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