TBD on Ning

For al Qaeda and other terrorists across the globe, Obama is the gift that just keeps on giving. The fanatical Muslim terrorists who are intent on wiping out every man woman and child that doesn't accept Allah as God was just handed another victory by the President of the United States.

In response to yet another threat from the al Qaeda faction in Yemen responsible for training the panty bomber who tried to take out a U.S. bound jet on Christmas day, the Obama administration decided to close down our embassy in Yemen. "The U.S. Embassy in San'a is closed today, January 3, 2010, in response to ongoing threats by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula ... to attack American interests in Yemen," the embassy said in a message on its Web site.

Obama's counter-terrorism expert also informed the nation on Sunday that the United States would not be opening up a new front in Yemen to battle the increasing presence of al Qaeda there. This mirrors the Obama administration's response to ever increasing threats from terrorist murderers: if we just ignore them, maybe they'll go away.

President Obama has made it official. Faced with murderous threats from fanatical Muslims, America will cut and run. Al Qaeda and assorted terrorists the world over are rejoicing. Yet again.

These barbaric animals are laughing out loud at the policies President Obama and his buddies have enacted since he became president of the greatest country in the world.

First, Obama did what Democrats do when faced with an uncomfortable reality. They redefine it. Obama abolished the war on terror with a stroke of the pen. Presto, we now have man-made catastrophic events, not to be confused with the bogus global warming catastrophic events.

This was followed by the left's favorite response to any crisis not of their own making: dialogue. Despite the fact that 'reaching out' is considered a distinct sign of weakness by our enemies and has never worked, Obama scored political points by convincing half the nation that he could effect world peace through the sheer force of his personality. Obama's dialogue did accomplish something, however. It allowed him to appear to be doing something, when in actuality he was merely avoiding the hard decisions associated with real leadership.

This man of action then handed terrorists legitimacy, along with all the legal rights American citizens have fought and died for. Enemy combatants, for the first time in history, will be tried in civilian courts in New York. In the same neighborhood they demolished on 9/11. How cool is that, terrorists say.

This insane policy does have a silver lining. It just might encourage terrorists in Yemen and Afghanistan to surrender. That way they can leave the blood and guts battlefield and wage jihad from the worldwide platform being afforded (courtesy of U.S. taxpayers) by a New York courtroom. Again, courtesy of Obama. Who knows, terrorists might just be able to accomplish more effective jihad from within America. Just think of the recruitment opportunities in American jails. Yahoo!

Then again, these animals may just opt to stay on the battlefield overseas. After all, Obama's new rules of engagement have severely hampered U.S. fighting men. All al Qaeda has to do is hide behind women and children and they get a virtual free pass. And if by chance they get caught killing Americans and they aren't mirandized, well, its off to Gitmo, where they'll have a chance to rest up and regroup. Once they gain 20 pounds or so, they'll be shipped back home where they pick up right where they left off.

Unless, of course, Obama is successful in closing Gitmo, in which case the terrorists will have to make do with 3 squares and cable TV from Chicago until they get shipped home to the same old goat meat and drafty caves.

No wonder our enemies are laughing. As the Taliban indoctrinate kids as young as five years-old into being killing machines, Obama focuses his efforts on sanitizing and avoiding a fight to the finish that our enemies wage as a war and Obama wages as an exercise in rhetoric.

As the left steps up their efforts to sensitize males, our enemies breed warriors and come ever closer to obtaining the technology and materials needed for a nuclear weapon. America will then have no choice but to follow Obama's policy of appeasement. And the terrorists will have won. And America will be no more.

If you're not scared yet, let me offer you this visual exercise: Imagine Obama and his buddies coming face to face with a coven of jihadists. Which side is going to win? Obama's words or the terrorist's sword?

Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for RightBias.com
She lives in South Carolina

Tags: Obama, on, surrender, terror, war

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I hate talking about politics.
Yes most the Arabs have health care.
They also get oil royalties (most).
Yipes. Snagg may have put the discussion in the delete bag....

Controversy is not welcomed. Don't you remember? Right is right is right is right is right.
I wrote it down!
And they have families, unemployment, concerns, just like most people.
Man I hope you are right.
my head hurts !!
I'm done here....later.
are u a republican...I'd never guessed.
Following the Republican playbook...

Thanks for reviving and continuing to flog a dead horse Vernon - both blogs of Nancy's are back on the front page forum thanks to your efforts today. What really galls me is that it was just to post a news bulletin. At least, as a good writer, if you had written something . . .

We managed to get Nancy off the front page on both counts of political blogging and advertising herself as such - and you - a moderator no less - who admonishes others (including myself) to be of mind that we should be "simply quitting the fight" have to go and revive these issues, that clearly belong in BLOGS or in the political groups and not here in forum - by popular consensus !

Do as you say Vernon, be a man of your own words.
Funny, (This thread got wokeded up)
The Republican party as I see it has little power these days.
The Tea Party bunch has the power on the right.
They are known as Conservatives and not part of the GOP.
Would I go to a rally?
Never have and never will.
rallies are a blast. Especially if your a member of the press, or better yet, you're the one organizing them.
Here's the real terrorist that should be indicted.

When is the killing of children not a crime?

Yesterday, Karl Rove was all over the news with the release of his book congratulating himself, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for the invasion of Iraq.

Rove is getting richer by the day.

Yesterday, too, there was another news item that, unlike Rove's book, has received scant attention. It speaks directly to the legal culpability of Bush, Rove and the other criminals who should be arrested rather doing book tours.

CBS News reports, “Doctors and parents in the Iraqi city of Fallujah are blaming a sharp increase in the number of birth defects on the highly sophisticated weapons U.S. troops have used in the city during the war.

“The BBC reported Thursday the staggering statistic from doctors in the city that the number of heart defects found in newborn babies is 13 times the number of similar birth defects in Europe.”

Bush ordered Fallujah to be essentially destroyed in 2004.

The CBS story states: “British-based Iraqi researcher Malik Hamdan told the news organization that one doctor compared the number of birth defects from before 2003 to today. Before the war began, she saw about one case every two months. Now she sees cases every day.

“Her research shows that as of January, the rate of congenital heart defects was 95 per 1,000 births or 13 times Europe's rate.” Bush is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Many tens of thousands of children have died directly as a consequence of Bush's war that was based exclusively on lies and deceit. In addition to the spike in birth defects, a whole generation of Iraqi children will face a lifetime of physical and emotional wounds. Seventy percent of children are suffering from trauma-related symptoms reports the Iraqi Society of Psychiatrists and the World Health Organization. That conclusion was based on a survey of 10,000 primary school students.

On March 20, 2010 supporters of the IndictBushNow movement are forming a contingent in the national anti-war March on Washington protesting the Iraq and Afghanistan war.

We owe it the people of Fallujah and all the still suffering people in Iraq to let them know that "We The People" in the United States, like they, recognize that a government that spoke in our name committed some of the worst atrocities in modern times.




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