TBD on Ning

Relax people. We humans sure do love to worry, I guess a fabricated crisis gives us something to talk about, it breaks up the boredom. Plus, it's a great way for some people to get rich.

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Be your own weather-person,
Go Outside.
This is strictly my thoughts, I have not verified this. I think that we may still be the worlds largest polluant producer simply because we have the most widespread ability to do so. If you go to the Capital of Turkey, Ankra, In Winter, I think you will find the air so polluted that you have trouble breathing. But if you go to Sinope, Turkey on the Black Sea you will find very little pollution. This is the situation in most of the world now. I would imagine that if you measured amount of pollution per person, central Europe would rank very high and China very low. It's the old story "figures Lie, and Liars Figure". In my estimation the fact is that humans are polluting the Earth. As long as we distract ourselves by pointing fingers at the other guy, the sum will continue to increase. There are a number of things that the increase in population and technology have affected that have a impact on my life. The amount and type of fish for one thing. I really have no hope of effecting the life style of and amount of pollution produced by China, but I think that I should try to effect what is done in the US. Even though I strongly believe that individual freedom is one of the most dear things that a human can experience, I also understand that there is a point at which my individual freedom can damage your individual freedom. That is the point at which we need to assess the situation.
A lot more assessment is needed for sure Robbie. Scientists need to look at variables that may be too many to even fathom. I'm sure excessive carbon emissions isn't doing mother earth any good, but I also believe that the hype regarding climate change is simply scare mongering. It's only what I believe, as I mentioned earlier, there is only one definate amongst us lay people, and that is, that we don't know for sure one way or the other. I'm willing to bet that our planet is very good at adapting.
Larry the planet has adapted many times in the last 400 million years but everytime it has large numbers of species have gone extinct. This time we as a spicies have a chance to do something about it or become extinct ourselves.




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