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Why would you want to live anywhere else? You Yankees just don't know what you are missing.

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OrianB the pot o gold was in that man's mouth don't know what happened to the leprachaun.

Wife and I are debating moving from Juhsey sometime in the the future. I've been down sout some, spent a two week vacation at Sanibel Harbor and loved it. We came back to Juhsey in July and was depressed for about two years. (Missed all that sun.)

Too humid down deah, gotta go somewhere else maybe Arizona or something.
I see many people every day. All walks of life. Some are old, young, and then the ones with the children. I will swear, I can tell a good southern family within the first 5 minutes. I know, there are jerks in all states, races, etc. But I have been an Inn Keeper for many years now. Southern people have manners. It shows so quickly, especially in the men.
^This is so true manners and you feel welcomed....
If you are from Florida, Duck..
I hated the place. Love Bugs that clogged my radiator. I had to keep my printed documents in the frige so the bugs couldn’t ruin them. Spiders too big to fit in a coffee cup. Cockroaches that would squeeze past the rubber seal and eat my cheese in the refrigerator. It was an eight hour drive home because of the fog. The whole town of Clewiston thought I was a Federal Agent and wouldn’t talk to me. They even followed me to work.
I liked the Smokey Mountains, Oklahoma and Texas.
"I hated the place. Love Bugs that clogged my radiator. I had to keep my printed documents in the frige so the bugs couldn’t ruin them. Spiders too big to fit in a coffee cup. Cockroaches that would squeeze past the rubber seal and eat my cheese in the refrigerator. It was an eight hour drive home because of the fog. The whole town of Clewiston thought I was a Federal Agent and wouldn’t talk to me. They even followed me to work."

All true. DO NOT MOVE HERE! You will hate it.
I don't remember that in Alabama.

Same oh, same oh?
They aren't cock roaches, they are palmetto bugs and they mosey along, come and go..They do not multiply like the little cockroaches so fond of Ca. apt living...I've been there...done that. I would rather stay in the South with the big bugs....

I go back to Cali to visit 2wice a year.....The coast line where I lived is so built up, I feel like a stranger to the place. The main street above the promenade was little tiny stores and restaurants....Jeez, now you cant see the beach through all the huge buildings.....Whaaa....I miss the mountains....Yosemite, kings canyon. If I were to go back, it would only be to live in the mountains.
I remember back in the days of my youth we did not have mountains at Texas A&M University. So the Ski class had a mountain built of plywood and covered with astroturf for Ski class. Then at Christmas they had the final exam in Colorado.
There's a Norwegian saying "Bort er bra, men hjem er best" that means "away is good but home is best". Wherever home is, that's what's good, familiar and comfortable. (In the rural area where I'm from, "Yanks" were people of non-Scandinavian descent.)

My mom is from The South, and I do have to say that when I visit, I love the food. Hush puppies, catfish, sweet potato casserole, and all the vegetables available ala carte. I miss that about The South when I come home.
I know what I ain't missing in the South right now. Today I saw geese flying NORTH.

I've been down south more than once. I've been followed and pulled over by the police because my Illinois license plates meant that I simply HAD to be a drug dealer. I've been treated like a king by people who didn't know me twenty minutes earlier. I've been dressed down, in public, by loud, rude people on the "shortcomings" of MY manners - Which was actually nothing more than simple ignorance of a tiny, unannounced local custom. I've been accepted like a brother by people who to this day still refer to Abraham Lincoln as the "Northern Aggressor" on nothing more than the good word of a returning native. I've had immigrants in shit jobs treat me, a customer, with far more politeness and respect than their employers treated me to my face while they took my money. I've drunk corn liquor with a guy who told me that if he was sober he'd shoot me. Experienced a graciousness born of angels next to a crassness that would shame Slobodan Milosevic .

In other words, it's just like the North. Only weirder. Far, far weirder.
And the further South you go the weirder it gets. that don't mean bad, just weird. I love Key West, New Orleans, the Austin/San Antonio area and the area in Louisania where Kathy Arlean lives. I'm learning to like the Houston area and going to try Galveston this Spring. I've lived in West Virginia, Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Florida and Texas(5 times). I can assure you that there are both good and bad all over the South. But that is true everywhere I've ever been. Even Viet Nam. I've never spent any time in the North Central US, but have lived in Pittsburg, PA(2 years) and New England( 3years). And visited the Northwest and California many times. Worked and Lived in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizonia. I would be hard pressed to pick either the best or the worst, but will say that the natives of most places I've been think their area is best. And that's a good thing.
A little too hot and muggy for me.




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