TBD on Ning

One of 'my' teenage kids just got into horrible trouble with her mother for joining a gay-straight alliance club at school. (Many of you may not realize that Mother Sanity is an honorary gay man...but I digress.) Gay bashing makes me physically sick. I preach that 'love is never bad' until I am blue in the face. With the advent of gay marriage I was really thinking this whole discrimination thing was coming to an end.

Or am I once again, wrong? What are you all seeing in your own communities, and if you dont mind, where are you from? JackieRodzinski, Mother Sanity, Central NJ

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In my small circle of friends here in Southern California, there is acceptance. Live and let live. But in the community in general there is more acceptance or realization that it is not to be afraid of, but there are still slights and remarks behind the person's back. So the general mood is more accepting but full acceptance is still a ways off.
In my last three years of working, my supervisor was a gay male. We became good friends as per what a usual friendship would be, and that friendship continues to this day. He was responsible for hirings new employees, and unfortunately there were quite afew people--both men and women who didnt want to take the job...simply because of his oreintation.
That stupifies me. They dont deserve to work.
Perhaps a diffrent take on the subject is needed here!

Live and let live.
As long as they are nice to the puppies, what difference does it make if they are gay.




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