Something I'd like to know about you.

I thought it would be fun to ask each other questions about each other.
Anything from whats your favorit hobby to more personal.
If the other person thinks it is to personal just write sorry tp.
  • Tag. Your It.

    In keeping with Carmen's group theme, Something I'd like to know about you, Tell something about yourself and then write tag. Anyone in the group may respond at any time. If you would rather not share things of a close personal nature, just keep it casual.I'll go first.My favorite color is red.Tag

    By Mark

  • Lost

    I still feel lost on this ning site. Does anybody else feel that way?I have a lot of great friends from the old tbd site but I feel it is harder to make new friends here on ning because of the way it is set up. I mean we say Hi once in a while but to get the closeness and get to know each other is…

    By Carmen Diane Bailey

  • The Online Experience...

    I started this discussion in the sex talk group and have been very interested at the responses - thought I would see what everyone here has to say.We are all here for different reasons, some for friends, just for fun and some are here for more serious relationships if that were to work out.What's…

    By Beau

  • Hey Carmen

    Mind if I ask where you live in the states - I may have known but I forgot.

    By Beau

  • clean and sober

    i am clean and sober for six years now i work for the mental heath center i am a mental heath advocate for tham i in joy my work

    By james fahey

  • can you see me

    can you see me,whan i am down

    By james fahey

  • Hey Rita,

    Is this your first as far as wedding planning goes?I have done it and when your not pulling your hair out it is fun.lolLet me know if I can help with anything ok?

    By Carmen Diane Bailey

  • Hey Everybody

    What would you like the group to know about you?I live on a farm in Minnesota that's been in my family for over 70 years. I'm about an hour out of the Twin Cities -- just far enough to be rural, but close enough to shopping, movies, theater, great restaurants. I'm happily married, work in a…

    By D. D. Olson

  • Information on TBD New Year's 2009 Trip

    I am trying to locate someone who's planning TBD's New Year Party in Las Vegas or wherever?

    By Randall Fuhr

  • Hey, Tom?

    Did you find a literary agent to get your books published or did you self publish and then publicize? Any suggestions/ advice for an aspiring author seeking publication?

    By Lori
