Something I'd like to know about you.

I thought it would be fun to ask each other questions about each other.
Anything from whats your favorit hobby to more personal.
If the other person thinks it is to personal just write sorry tp.

Hey Rita,

Is this your first as far as wedding planning goes?
I have done it and when your not pulling your hair out it is
Let me know if I can help with anything ok?
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    Rita D

    Hey Carmen!! I'm so sorry I didn't see this before! I've not ever had the opportunity to plan a wedding.... so any help you can give me will be appreciated. I haven't decided what colors it will be or anything.

    We should chat sometime. I want to get Gregg's input as well. Again thank you so much!!
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      Rita--can we get invitations to the honeymoon too?
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        Rita D

        Hey Carmen! How are you? Thought I'd drop in and stay hello. Hope your weekend is going great!