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  • Male
  • Perkasie, PA
  • United States
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  • kc
  • Alex Alonso
  • candelariadelsol
  • Caroline Gutierrez Abreu
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  • Jeff
  • IamjustmeG
  • Lily Roth
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  • Thomas William Farquhar
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Alendar's Discussions

Does the Geico gecko have Melanoma?
10 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Christopher K. Carlson Aug 26, 2009.

What have you done for a kit kat bar?
9 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Callipyge Aug 22, 2009.

The Truth Game
20 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by WendyLynn Oct 12, 2009.

A Minor Concern
25 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by BethD Oct 6, 2009.


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About Me:
I'm a geek, grandiose in nature, kind to those I love, fiercely wicked to those I deem as enemies. I am fascinated by things in motion, be they real or

fiction. I am diabetic type 2 and I control my blood sugar through diet and medicine, but not exercise. Mrs. Alendar is my love and my treasure and

well within the Circle of Trust, as is her family. My son by birth is high on my list of cool people. I'm biased.

My previous wife of 13 years and mother to my son died of Leukemia. I have 2 adopted children, both have moved away. My daughter has an ornery daughter

who I find very cute since I don't have to raise her.

I have one older sister (post-Bhuddist) in New Mexico, and 2 Christian parents still living together (barely) in Chatanooga, an aunt in Santa Fe, an

uncle somewhere in Maryland, a grandmother in Baton Rouge who is an Atheist, and no pets, though if I did I'm sure they'd be Hindu.

I've lived in Perkasie, Dublin, Albuquerque, Denver, Pittsfield, North Adams, Manhattan, Climax (Colorado), Baton Rouge, Dalton, Las Cruces, Aurora, and

I'm sure I'm missing somewhere. I'm a business banking programmer, I work from home, and my son is learning to program, but wants to write zombie

games, which is much more fun than banking!

I read, mostly through audio-books, and am most interested in Greek history and philosophy. I try to avoid politics but I'm easily drawn in and soon

find myself blathering on about subjects I know nothing about, and breathing heavily and in need of some heavy sedation. I rent, though my wife owns,

and we plan to settle down in Idaho and watch the country go up in flames from our porch. I love making my small family happy, and that and a rousing

good Plato dialogue and I'm set for life. I enjoy beautiful flowers, massive computers, American cars, and watching the Dallas Cowboys eak through

another season.

If I have a happy wife, and a goodly son, then I will return to dust with narry a wimper and a wide smile.

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Alendar's Blog

To the interesting people

A note of thanks. I don't think of you often enough. I get caught up in the crazies and malcontents. Its more natural for me to see the world in the light of mad firelight, as I think the primitive world must have been. The stories in Caesar's Gallic Wars of the barbarous Gauls and the rituals of African civilizations have always delighted my eager need to see the paucity of Man. Perhaps the world seems safer if its careening off the table.

But for a moment from the ravages of… Continue

Posted on October 18, 2009 at 9:27pm — 3 Comments

Is Time real?

I'm concerned about the nature of time. We treat it as a separate dimension, yet it does not behave like the other 3. We don't go back and forth along it, yet we treat it as if we were moving forward. There is no real "forward" motion. My hair does not blow downwind in the time tunnel. Motion is the change of position relative to a non-moving object. But everyone is "moving" at the same speed, so we aren't really moving, are we?? We talk about the past, but we really mean past states. There is… Continue

Posted on October 17, 2009 at 2:32pm — 2 Comments

Side affects of the worsening economy

Perhaps this is better phrased as a question, but since I'm hiding in the blogosphere, I'll phrase it as blog.

I was noticing my NetFlicks RSS feed on my profile page was stale and looked pretty silly. It still shows the last three movies I rented from them and returned unopened. I was curious about Jeeves & Wooster one day and added them to my request list, but by the time they came I had lost interest. I'm a fickle boy.

I cancelled my subscription after that in an… Continue

Posted on October 16, 2009 at 7:34am

Science vs. Nature

Man's nature, I mean. I've read some amazing things going on in the science world. I'm sure Zendog sees it as the beginning of the Great Conspiracy to begin human experimentation, but as paranoid and cynical as I am I can't see it as bad.

They are finding molecules that fight viruses now. Imagine that! Antibiotics have been a dead end and everyone has known it, yet we haven't been able to turn away from the cliff. The drug companies love the fact that antibiotics gradually fail and… Continue

Posted on October 11, 2009 at 8:18pm — 21 Comments

What is the measure of what government should do with our money?

I'm curious what people think. The Constitution had some clear ideas about it, all based on common sense requirements. The need to raise an army, deliver the mail. I would say that the whole document reeks of common sense.

But there really aren't any good "except" clauses. Like, "except when to do so would bankrupt the citizenry". There's no real limitations put in place on spending, only that laws must be made to levy new taxes. Much of law is tax law. New taxes, new levies make up… Continue

Posted on October 6, 2009 at 12:55pm — 3 Comments

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At 8:11am on July 21, 2023, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 9:42pm on July 21, 2022, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 11:53am on July 21, 2021, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 10:13pm on July 21, 2020, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 10:21am on July 21, 2019, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 11:08am on July 21, 2018, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 3:27pm on July 21, 2010, Goldilocks46 said…
Happy Birthday, Alendar!

Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
At 2:32pm on July 21, 2010, Ladyg said…

At 6:57am on July 21, 2010, Chez moi said…
Happy Birthday, my friend!

PS I miss you two - hope you are busy and happy!
At 8:01pm on October 28, 2009, Mrs. Alendar gave Alendar a gift



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