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At 7:15pm on November 2, 2021, Daisy Eleanor Hensley said…

Thank you, Aggie! Sorry that I took so long getting back to you...I'm just not on here that often. Hope you're having a wonderful evening.

At 10:21am on October 30, 2021, Hippy said…

Thank you for the Birthday wish,

Happy last weekend of October,
wishing everyone a great safe Halloween,
Also watch out for all cyclists, They are harder to see,
and they also have the right to use the roads too.
Happy Hippy Hugs always with a Smile... ❤ ...
At 6:02pm on October 27, 2021, Witchy Luck said…
Hello, hello, hello!
At 7:08am on October 17, 2021, East TX granny said…

Thank you. I'll be glad when I retire so I can be active in this group. I read some but working full time I don't have much computer time. 

At 9:27am on October 10, 2021, Aggie said…

I was just one of the 108,618 Aggies there. Second largest crowd in Kyle Field history. If history repeats itself BAMA will be National Champions again this year.

At 9:02pm on October 9, 2021, Lea Tesoro said…

Thank you, Aggie! :)

At 8:29am on October 9, 2021, Aggie said…

At 7:44pm on August 24, 2021, Hippy said…

Hi thanks for the update on the site,

Thanks for helping keep the 2.0 platform alive. Wish you the best in every way...

Hippy Hugs and good health as to all...

Sorry I don't get here much .

Laptop crashed only have a old tablet

and can't do much with it....

At 4:56am on August 22, 2021, potterginny said…
Thanks for the birthday wishes. And not giving up on me getting back to this site. I found you all again during the pandemic? but let my busy life distract me. Ahh, your farm situation sounds perfect to me, but my deluge of inherited medical issues keeps me pretty slow. Two garden boxes in my backyard, and a few plots at church are all I can handle anymore. Your wildlife habitat and fixin fences for $10/hr plus other good stuff sounds like a dream job. Lol, but for me at this point, that’s all that’s left. Dreams. I’ve told my kids about my favorite ever job (besides nursing) of working on an organic veg farm in PA for room and board and $150/mo. Lol, I think that was way below $10/hr! Either way, no one appreciates that kind of experience anymore. I surely hope you find the right person to help you out because I know it does more for the soul than anything.
Stay well and enjoy those wildlife critters!
At 4:22pm on August 4, 2021, Julia A Knaake said…

Do they come up to a window and

watch while you eat your dinner?

At 11:40pm on August 3, 2021, Julia A Knaake said…

I do not get here every day.  Doing lots of stuff. Trying to keep cool. No AC here.  We were spoiled in Green Valley with AC...but on the good side there are no expensive power bills. It is a challenge to keep the pots of tomatoes sitting on the porch and herbs watered.  Porch garden the only way to keep "dear" deer out of our veggies  

At 8:00pm on July 11, 2021, Julia A Knaake said…

At 12:36pm on July 4, 2021, flippr 2.0 said…

At 1:12pm on June 21, 2021, Ramon Parrish said…


At 6:37am on June 18, 2021, Grace Price gave Aggie a gift
At 5:35am on May 22, 2021, flippr 2.0 said…

thank you very much,Aggie

At 2:58pm on May 8, 2021, Jozee said…

Thank you for the birthday wishes Aggie.

At 5:57pm on May 6, 2021, Carolyn Tewell said…


At 10:02am on April 30, 2021, Marcia Rawlyk said…

Thank you!!!!

At 6:38pm on April 15, 2021, Holly Schmucki said…

Thank you



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