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Julia A Knaake's Comments

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At 6:20pm on December 19, 2012, Julia A Knaake said…

At 8:59pm on December 18, 2012, Aggie said…

At 3:51pm on December 18, 2012, Juanita Ruth Thornton said…

Thanks, Julia. I will have to learn to post graphics here. It didn`t work! LOL

At 11:27am on December 18, 2012, xraygirl53 said…

Thanks so much for the welcome!

At 5:37am on December 18, 2012, Flowergram said…

Thanks Julia, glad to be here.

At 2:47am on December 18, 2012, carol machulski said…

thanks and also for the lovely Kinkade....that is a Kinkade isn't it?

At 1:51am on December 18, 2012, Chandrashekhar Vairale(Samidha) said…

Thanks Julia 



At 1:40pm on December 17, 2012, Frank Goodness said…

Thanks Julia for your friendship.

At 1:24pm on December 17, 2012, Trop said…

I was Tropixz on ThinkBeDo and also Eons!

At 7:27am on December 17, 2012, Chandrashekhar Vairale(Samidha) said…

Thanks Julia :-)



At 9:18pm on December 16, 2012, Elayne Bullis said…

Thanks for adding me as a friend! Looking forward to getting to know you. Have a great week'

At 7:50am on December 16, 2012, Rain said…

Good Morning Julia, Have a GREAT Day! hugs...

At 4:56pm on December 15, 2012, Elayne Bullis said…

Thank you for the Welcome! Regards & good wishes from the West Texas town of El Paso

At 11:32am on December 15, 2012, GillinTurkey said…
At 12:42am on December 14, 2012, ozzieowl said…

Hello JULIA, I hope you won't mind if I leave you something here today

that I feel I would like you to know in relation to your poem on the Peace Indian,

as I felt it may not have been appropriate to do so in the Discussion 'Keeping

Our Minds Sharp'.


I acknowledge your Poem of the Peace Indian with a deep sense of loss Julia,

we, the white ones are amassed in such huge numbers now and I fear

that we could never go back and use their great examples of how

to treat Mother Earth, but we can honor the Peace Indian

for the examples they have left us,

as individually, even on small levels, we can each strive

to make a difference by becoming more conscious of our own 

actions and decisions we make on a daily basis.**

At 9:43am on December 13, 2012, Ladysilverbird said…
At 6:29pm on December 12, 2012, flippr 2.0 said…

thank you very much,i just got here

At 6:01pm on December 12, 2012, Mark Joel Lane said…

Thanks for the warm welcome.Happy holidays.MARK

At 10:36am on December 12, 2012, Susan Zaba said…

Thank you for the welcome.  The Graphic was awesome.

At 10:35am on December 12, 2012, Susan Zaba said…

Hi Julia,

Good to see a friendly face.





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