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Want to Know What it Could be Like to Order a Pizza in 2010?

This is (sadly) hilarious, but it may not be too far away from becoming reality with the way our personal information is being stored by Big Government, especially regarding socialized medicine and digitizing medical records. Click the link, turn up the volume and check out:


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Tags: civil, rights


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Comment by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana on August 24, 2009 at 6:46pm
Every book a US citizen purchases is tracked, regardless of where you purchase it. If you pay cash and refuse the bookstores "club" discount (even cherished independent bookstores have such a program) you will be asked for your telephone number, or your zip/ postal code - and pressured into reveling same. Finally you will capitulate for your discount as the pressure is relentless.

I will ask the owner of my favourite independent bookstore the name of the nefarious act that was passed after 9/11 demanding that all book stores submit lists of all patrons book purchases. I seem to be having problems finding the act online. But I remember the petition to rescind it well.

In Canada I can purchase my allergy medication - which i must have to hand - without submitting my name and address and ID. Not here in the US - as it's a brand that is behind the counter, I'm told because of meth. labs or some such - certain brands of allergy medication have an ingredient that can be manipulated into crack or some such. I find it an astonishing and demeaning invasion of privacy at my age and stature in life. But it's either this, or I writhe in agony with an allergy attack to the cat and spring pollen.

We have long lived in a police state that dictates our every move by enticing and enslaving us to purchase things we have no need of - thus keeping us all chained to the hamster wheel whilst we are all ever running in place just to keep up. It's called materialism for a reason. Until we break the (mind-control) shackles that bind us - we will continue to be herded and controlled. It's called Pavlovian stimuli for just cause.

Ding ding. Dinner is ready.
Comment by caseyjo on August 24, 2009 at 1:49pm
Commercials control.The alcohol and tobacco industries used commercials for years to sell their deadly products while people went to jail for smoking pot ( A earthly product) while sitting at home with their friends thinking. Free thought is a pretty scary thing to the controllers of this country. The thought we don't need religious books to feed us full of nonsense ....terrifying to the controllers. . The programs are not what TV is really all about, they are just a way to pacify us while products (many deadly) are being hammered into our heads.

Many years ago I was interested in just how much I was being controlled by the forces that be, so I was reading up on mind control, etc. The back-order at the library on mind control was so long, I went to a book store. The seller told me not to check out books like that at the library because I would be put on some kind of a government watch list. I wonder if I am being tracked on-line somehow because of the wide array of subjects including mind control I research. Anyway, so much for being controlled, it has been happening big time every since TV commercials. Dazzling Gal...great post. I should have stopped and given my original post some thought, but I have seen that old video passed around for ages and it just irritated me to see it again.......
Comment by cynthia Hunter on August 24, 2009 at 9:30am
I Thought it was funny and Scarey at the same time, but so possible!!!! and so likely! Big Brother gotta dislike him after all I gotta be PC!
Comment by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana on August 24, 2009 at 7:40am
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. ~ Aldous Huxley

Big Brother has been here for quite some time, in particular thanks to the machinations following 9/11. Which is to say, our civil liberties have been completely eroded. The above video is dated. Old hat old girl - and laughable only as old news, in Great Britain especially, where at least one KNOWS one is being watched and tracked relentlessly. Every move you make, from the purchase of a book in your local bookstore or the let of a book from the library - to the type of toilet paper you purchase, is tracked and aggregated and on call by your government if you have excited their interest. We are all for sale, and have already been sold down the river. No where to run to - no where to hide. Infrared satellite(s) can, and do - watch you fornicate. So can your neighbor - with some expensive equipment.

Creating dis- ease and internal dissension within a nation using simplistic scare techniques is a time honoured and common psychological ploy. It's far too late to shut the barn door now. All the sacred cows are long gone - and dead. Now. Do you want the banksters and the insurance mobsters working in tandem to control your physical destiny? Then by all means - hurry up and destroy any hope of any form of universal health care. This will propel the country into the dark ages faster than a plague.

Oh - wait - isn't one coming? That one no one should consider being inoculated for - because one might die?
Comment by Hu on August 23, 2009 at 10:46pm
When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.

George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
Comment by caseyjo on August 23, 2009 at 10:42pm
That was ridiculous, irritating, and not at all funny.



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