TBD on Ning

The Valentine Dedication Countdown Begin-Eth.

Some of you know that I DJ at a local radio station. Every year, I invite all TBD'ers to request a song (and dedication, if desired) to their own hunka hunka burnin' love that I can play on the air during the VD show, which will be Sunday, February the 12th. You and yer sweetie can listen in, live on the internet, or wait until I've archived the broadcast and posted it here. It's free, it's romantic and is generally better than anything on TV that night.

(BTW - VD = Valentine's Day. I LOVE that joke.)

Anyway, times a'wastin'. If you choose to participate, DON'T post yer request in public - Message me instead, so that, if I don't have the song you want, I can start scrambling to find it, or we can discuss alternative choices.

As with Love itself, Nothing Is Too Weird. It doesn't matter if you and yer squeeze's main song is "You Shook Me All Night Long", "Die Rosenkrantz" or the theme to "The Munsters", if it rings yer bells and I can get my hands on it, I'll play it.

Except, of course, for Celine Dion or Michael Bolton. There will be NO Dion or Bolton requests accepted. Somebody's gotta have standards around here, and it might as well be me. Selah.

Views: 54

Tags: day, dedicated, get, hopin', i, internet, love, lucky, one, pandering, More…radio, shameless, songs, the, to, valentine's, wqna


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Comment by Maricel Evasco on January 26, 2012 at 4:45pm

Techno Love Song

Comment by Maricel Evasco on January 26, 2012 at 4:40pm
Comment by funesthememorious on January 18, 2012 at 5:00am
I hope no one has requested Rollin' and Tumblin' by Elmore James...I'll be sending a curse on their way. My second choice would be Sugar Sugar by the Archies.
Comment by d's girl on January 17, 2012 at 2:09pm

How about Barry Manilow? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Snagg, a handful of TBDer's will be together in Largo Fla that weekend. Maybe we'll get to listen to it together. That'd be fun '-)



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