TBD on Ning

Let's see, It's been 17 days since the last Blog.

Ok, left Russell, Kansas and RRC's Antique shop on the morning of the 14th.

Rolled into the Air Force Academy RV Park that eve.

The 15th through 17th was spent getting reaclamated to the altitude and finding my way around Colorado Springs. We went down and checked out the School; Barnett's Bicycle Institute. Went to Best Buy and had the DROID shut down and my Razor reactivated.

Happy remembered where two dog parks were and we checked them out. Decided which one I liked best and made one visit a day. I also found the Wag and Wash where I can give Happy a bath.

Thaila drove to Colorado Springs on the 18th and we met at a Starbucks. Had great conversation and then I took her to a Memphis Red Hot and Blue. It is a Bar-B-Q chain that started in the DC area. The one in Colorado Springs (I found it last year) is the only one west of the Mississippi River. It was a great visit and she now has a big 58 stamped on her forehead. Just Kidding.(:>)

Started School on the 19th. At 0745 hrs. Yes, You bet I know that was a Sunday. I had Happy in the crate outside. That didn't work out too well. He saw too many dogs walking people around and had to bark at all them. A tattooed guy also brought a huge Monitor Lizzard by. He had it on a leash. Sat it on the grass about 50 ft from Happy's crate. That brought on more barking. So I decided to board him (Happy, not the lizzard) for the next 4 days. Found a place named "Lucky Dog" and it worked out well.

I learned how to Assemble and maintain high and low tech bikes. Also learned how to Lace and Dish Wheels. All I need now is lots of practice.

Hung around CS until the 27th. Do to other commitments I didn't get to meet any other tbders in the area.

So on the morning of the 27th we headed South. Spent that night at a KOA near Las Vegas, NM.. On the 28th

we motored on down to Lakewood, NM.That is between Artesia and Carlsbad, NM.

There may be larger areas in the US with less population, But I haven't been there

Well, I guess there is some population. We didn't see any though.

Also saw signs saying "Watch For Water" Didn't see any of that either.

Stayed at an ESCAPEES RV Park called "The Ranch". When we pulled up to register, a lady came out and rang a bell mounted on a pole at the entrance. Shortly thereafter a number of people showed up and everyone gave me a big welcoming hug. That is the tradition at this park where all the sites are on long term lease. You have to be a member of the ESCAPEES club to stay there. Since everyone there is an RVer They are often on the road somewhere. The park rents the vacant sites. I'm not sure of the details about how the system works.

There was no charge for using the facilities to do laundry.

This morning, the 29th, we drove on south and East to San Angelo, TX. We are now staying at the RV park (famcamp) run by Goodfellow AFB.

Plan to stay here tomorrow and then move on down to Livingston, TX Fri.

Views: 43

Tags: Colorado, Dogs, Mexico, New, RV, Texas, travel


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Comment by D. D. Olson on October 15, 2010 at 12:18am
Love the laundry facilities!
Comment by CWO3ROBBIE on October 2, 2010 at 6:58pm
I think the highlight of yesterdays drive was::::: when we drove through the self proclamed "Meat Goat' Capitol of the world.
Comment by CWO3ROBBIE on October 1, 2010 at 9:52pm
Yep, Long as you don't have to stay in one place too long.
Comment by Snagg on September 30, 2010 at 6:45pm
Went through the High Desert, eh? Ain't it beautiful 'round there?



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