TBD on Ning

it's the 17th of Dec.. Tomorrow I start North. Blondie, Cali, Hope to meet you gals while I'm there. SandyD Maybe I'll be able to swing through Charleston on the way back down.
Yesterday I moved to a better site here in the PAFB RV Park. (See Pics). Tomorrow I leave. So most of today I will spend getting ready.

This morning I met with George Richards. He wins the prize for being the 40th tbd person I have met in real life.

We met at a coffee shop in Cocoa Beach, FL. Had a great conversation and he invited me to his place for dinner next time I'm through here.
Well, I know this is short, but I need to get to work if I am going to be ready to leave tomorrow morning. I have reservations at a motel in Savannah, GA tomorrow night so I need to be on the road by 11:00am. I have to get up, walk the dog, unhook from the electric, water and sewer, hook up the car to tow, drive the 6 mile to where I will store the RV, unhook the car, put everything up, turn over the keys and then, I can hit the road.

My RV and current PAD

The view out my window

The third sign down says "Jersey Girl Deli" They obviously are trying to entice AggieK to Florida.

George Richards and I at the Java and Juice Cafe in Cocoa Beach, FL

Views: 20

Tags: Florida, Friends, RV, TBD, travel


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Comment by Quinn on December 17, 2009 at 4:05pm
Safe Journey.
Enjoy that hockey game :-)



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