TBD on Ning

After watching this I am ashamed to say I am related to the human race. The animal world has a message to us all....They think we are the animals.............

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Comment by caseyjo on October 5, 2009 at 8:02pm
You are totally right....What gets to me is the nuts are being backed by people who want their party to win next election. That is what I am talking about. Even though the nuts are injuring their party, their party sticks up for them...That is sad. I have written about it over and over and people say the same thing...oh, just don't pay attention to it.

They don't have to be supported either. The supporting of them just livens them up, gives them power....I keep saying backing their bad behavior doesn't work. I am not saying they are not free to act as they choose within reason, I am saying they are being backed by people who want to add fuel to the fire...That is sad. As individuals we can make the decision not to back crazy behavior..That is what needs to be done. I understand posturing for the next election, but backing the crazies is not worth it and in the long run is dangerous to everyone....
Comment by caseyjo on October 4, 2009 at 9:54pm
What is the price we pay for bowing down to the nuts? Backing bad behavior does not make us any more free...as a matter of fact, it keeps us unstable and insecure and unmovable much of the time....We live in so much fear of change, even when things are as messed up as they are, people fight to keep them that way...Sad, so sad....I would say there is a glaring over abundance of richeous indignation these days.
Comment by caseyjo on October 3, 2009 at 8:36am
People blurting out kill him at ralleys, demonstrations etc.....town hall shouting matches all over the place....guns being sold at record rates, hidden racism coming out (at least we know now), OH! And don't you know Obama is the Devil? It doesn't do any good to bring up the past..what does it accomplish besides saying It has always been this way, so it is OK to sweep it all under the carpet?

As far as OBama is concerned....He has only been in office a short while. Look what he was handed....I don't remember him promising instant success...I do believe he has tried very hard to stay in the middle. He is a peoples president and with a little support maybe he could get things done.
Comment by caseyjo on October 2, 2009 at 7:54pm
This video is only a tiny piece of the hatred I see being bypassed like it is nothing. Maybe I don't know nothin, but I feel" one thing....Hatred should be delt with head on and not pushed aside.....People will start getting hurt...

"There is a certain group of people who seem to be the loudest and ..To me, the most dangerous, yet people do nothing to try to calm them down...What I see is they are needed by the ones who want to sweep them under the rug. You may as well say..."They embarrass us, but we need them, so we are backing them up". Only problem with that is.....They might only be a stage 1 Cancer right now, but lead to the lymph later.

I don't trust politicians either, but it is the crazy hate I am pointing out here.
Comment by caseyjo on October 2, 2009 at 3:13pm
There is a growing hatred out there...It overshadows anything I have ever seen before. Ordinary people are trying to sweep it under the rug because of the huge embarrassment.
Comment by caseyjo on October 2, 2009 at 11:06am
Your right for now...Scary thing...This inhumane section of inhumanity is happening and growing..



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