TBD on Ning

Ning will be down Tuesday July 20th so they can switch to the new plan.
They say the network will be down from 9:00am till approximately
11:00am PDT. We all know how these thing go so it may run longer. They
scheduled it at that time so all hands would be on hand to help.

Over thelast couple of months there have been many questioned and concerns
discussed about the direction of Ning and more directly how they will
affect TBD. We stilldon't have all the answers, however in the next few days Ning will be
introducing new features along with their new pay plan.
So hopefully we will have a few answers shortly. At this point we are not sure
exactly how the new features may impact TBD, if any look interesting
or helpful for TBD they will be implemented if possible and practical.

Let me
just add on a personal note TBD is a community effort and it takes
everyone's effort
to keep it interesting and viable. Probably the best way to get more
members is to invite people personally.
Thank You

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Comment by Kennedy Derocher on August 2, 2010 at 12:05pm

all of the alligators out yet ?
Comment by Goldilocks46 on July 20, 2010 at 7:21pm
Thank you, Bull.
Comment by Aggie on July 19, 2010 at 5:26pm
Thanks, Bull!



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