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New Study Reveals Major Health Problems Linked to Genetically Engineered Foods


"We demand the systematic publication of the results of these tests, which we could only obtain on a case by case basis by taking legal action... It [the study] brings to light a significant underestimation of the initial signs of diseases like cancer and diseases of the hormonal, immune, nervous and reproductive systems, among others... The health crises may be more important than the international financial crisis because of the lack of transparency of the regulators."

: An alarming study published in the Journal of Biological Science this week points toward serious health hazards from genetically engineered foods and pesticides. The research, conducted by scientists from France, Italy, New Zealand, U.K. and U.S., corroborates the decade-long criticism by public interest organizations such as the Organic Consumers Association, Greenpeace, and Friends of the Earth that European Food Safety bureaucrats and the U.S. FDA have used unreliable tests to assess the safety of food and products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are now found in more than 80% of (non-organic) foods sold in conventional grocery stores in the U.S., as well as the majority of animal feed in the EU.

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Views: 8

Tags: GMO, agriculture, disease, health, prevention


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Comment by OCNaturalDoc on July 18, 2009 at 12:18pm
sorry, i goofed on the link in the last posting. this is why i'm NOT in IT! :-)

Comment by OCNaturalDoc on July 18, 2009 at 12:16pm
Aii-yi-yi-yiiii-----Too bad those corn chips are made from GMO corn. I used to love that Frito Bandito :-)
And you're right about the honeybees, too. If they can't eat, it's a sign that we won't either. You'd think people would be more aware of the cycle of nature...after all, it's how we work.

The problem is, greedy people don't do anything to 'fix' the problem until, at the very least, fines are levied or jail time is mandated. Many people don't want to admit they're wrong. Or that they're guilty of wrong-doing. ("Hello? Yes, I have Bernie Madoff on the line...")


" target="_blank"">http://lagunanaturalhealth.blogspot.com/2009/...

Comment by SuzanneF on July 15, 2009 at 7:14pm
Monsanto and Cargill are 2 of the biggest producers of GMO foods and Monsanto is also the maker of Roundup to kill the weeds but not the plant. Hello, that is just not natural. GMO's are going against the biological makeup of our genomes and when your body identifies something foreign it rebels. Thus the cancers and illnesses.

We are getting sick from all the GMO corn that is used in just about everything under the disguise of high fructose corn syrup. And that's on top of all the aspartame tainted products. My mother always told us, if it's not from nature, it can't be good for us and it should not be good for us.

We need to stand up and tell Frito Lay and Con Agra that we want natural products again.

Why are the honeybees disappearing? They are picking up the GMO pollen and not producing cross-pollination to do what nature needs done to let vegetation grow naturally. They are basically becoming sterile or dying from the poison of the GMO corn and soybeans.

I could go on and on about how bad it is, bottom line this insanity must stop. Now hopefully people in the nutrition/farming/food processing process will wake up and change the hurt they have bestowed upon us and are killing us.



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