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Interesting Insight from Congressional Candidate Lieutenant Colonel Allen West

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Comment by caseyjo on December 9, 2009 at 9:00pm
It is a very small percentage who sit back and let other people take care of them, and you will find the ones who do are not all democrats or republicans, but both... Here in the South where I live many ( or should I say most) alcoholic/addicts on ssi are republicans......Some of the same republicans waving flags at the colonels speeches I am sure. This country has changed ..It is no longer the country we took from the Indians. We are far removed from that country...Thats for sure...Greed got us to this point...greed always does and always will ruin good people..The love of money is at the root to ALL evil. We should want to help the poor, but we cant see past the noses on our faces or should I say the green in our pockets.....
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on December 9, 2009 at 6:46pm
i watched the clip again, casey, but i took something else away from it. i don't know the colonel. i've never served in the military and i didn't experience an inner-city upbringing --- i would expect that his point of view/insight will likely be very different from mine, and i expect i could learn something from him. that said, he made some interesting points where he and i share common ground.

• the colonel said we have "a producing class and an entitlement class". he's right.

• from what i took away the clip, "the fight" he talks about is the one for our rights and the founding principles of our nation. he's right again.

our government's decades of kowtowing to special interest groups have gotten us further and further away from who we are as a nation, as a power, as a resource and as a people. we've become weak and misguided -- and yes, THAT is terrifying.

i don't believe his message is about war -- it's about standing up for our rights, which is our duty as citizens. freedom isn't free.
Comment by caseyjo on December 9, 2009 at 4:41pm
Insight? How is that ? The man sees a divided world of haves and have nots, obviously...Listen closely to what he says...He wants to divide us as people, group us up, and then ask that we fight...That might be insight to you OC, but it is terrifying to me.

We can work together peacefully to overcome our differences. I live on a block where people are of all different belief systems...we all manage to live together just fine..It is when people like this man try to cause uprisings that people get hurt...On individual basis we tend to think things out, In groups people tend to follow the strongest leaders, then regret it when someone they care for gets hurt.....
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on December 9, 2009 at 3:16pm
radical and scary? i don't know about that...he may have insight into a world other than your own -- or mine, or that of many. so who's to say?

i just thought i'd share another point of view from someone (else) i don't know.
Comment by caseyjo on December 9, 2009 at 1:58pm
How sad....Dividing people into two classes... producing and entitlement...That is a absolute lie. ..There will always be a small amount of people who take advantage, but most of our poor are hard working people, people who build this country from the bottom up with their own bare hands, people who clean toilets in public places, people who wait on others hand and foot in restaurants, cashiers who stand for hours to ring up your purchases..

Most people are willing to work, want to work, would give anything to have enough food on their tables to feed their children at the end of a long day when they come home beat and tired.

This guy is radical and scary.....



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