I am not one of the sweetness and light people. Where did you get that idea?...I have not posted to any of the spiritual blogs in ages......Before you accuse people...get your facts.
Glen Beck crying on cue was hilarious....What does that have to do with intolerance?
You are the one who separates people into two categories...Liberal & conservative.....Are there no middle ground people to you? Or people who are neither conservative or liberal? You live in a very split world with your religion and your politics.....We used to laugh at people like you when we were children, but now you scare me....I hope you get off my back soon..I'm tired of you.
Hi Phil...Glen Beck is a conservative political comentator who does Radio & Tv shows....Hes wacky....Good for entertainment value like most of them....Left, right, and middle. I put his video up because he is crying on cue using vics vapo rub and I thought it was funny.....I should have known Judy would show up defending his behavior by saying it was ALL due to liberals she ever watched him in the first place, but I totally didn't go for her okey doke as usual.....Shes wackier than Glen Beck.
People get paid by the word, the post, or the click. You don't seem real to me...to soulless, heartless. . For all the people that you have attacked on these boards I am sure you will be getting or already have a new name on TBD......BTW...I know you think the above post is funny, even hilarious in your own mind. You go girl..imagination is a good thing..You say someone is actually talking for the conservatives, like they don't already speak for themselves...Now that is something to laugh about.
Yea, a paid blogger . . . uh, but don't I have to "blog" first? ROFL!! What a fun job that would be! I'm not on any religion boards, though. I'm getting to really like Beck, et. al. They actually talk for the conservative side of the "We the People" . . . someone needs to, lol. Mmmm, wonder how much I can get for this post? Does someone pay for posting? I'm temporarily out of a job and could really use the money! lol, lol, lol. Thanks again for the humor!
Oh I bet....Ha ha...Are you a paid blogger? Your whole on-line life is in the political and religion bords. How could the know it all Judy not have alredy known about Glen Beck? I see some people trying to bridge the divide, but I never see it with you..Get a real life Judy
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