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Ever Wonder How Those Who Live Outside US Borders View Americans?

The author of the article of this link follows me on twitter. I thought I'd check out what he writes. Lo and behold, he lays it out in lavender about Americans:


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Tags: fat, sugar


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Comment by caseyjo on September 12, 2009 at 11:37pm
I don't know the answer to that...Yesterdays history, tomorrows a mystery. Keep moving forward and changes will come. We cant stagnate..... Some people are too afraid of change ( mostly the elderly) very understandable.... but we have to think of the coming generations. I wish we could stop making it about politics, and start making it about people. You are helping people one by one...sometimes that is what it is all about...Keep up,the good work OC. You have helped me more than you know. I will write you about that...Thanks....K
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on September 12, 2009 at 10:18pm
thank you for your kind acknowledgement, casey. your words mean a lot to me.

people are surprised to learn that i eat a lot of fish and occasional red meat. they must think i walk on water, too (sure...but only when it's frozen). A and B blood types have an easier time with meatless diets than an O blood type. i eat red meat a couple of times a year...but i can't live without my fruits and vegetables! and take the grains, but leave the salad with me!

i understand your point about the ethical treatment of animals, and i also understand man's carnivorous tendencies. there are many protein sources that are better for us than those which contain animal fat. this is why i'm all about disease prevention education.

so now i'm thinking about solutions---so what do you think about this? massachusetts is a "forward-thinking" state. and lately it seems they're big on mandating lifestyle choices (health insurance, gay marriage education). so why didn't ted kennedy (especially with his health history) mandate disease prevention education as part of a public school curriculum starting in kindergarten? answer: it will cost the state more money. BUT we know it's possible because the state supplies books and materials to have mandatory same sex marriage education in public schools starting in kindergarten. i just don't understand why, if you're going to mandate subject-specific education, that you wouldn't mandate education in something that everyone does....like EAT! and like disease prevention....something everyone needs to know.

the mind reels.
Comment by caseyjo on September 12, 2009 at 3:21pm
You are doing a wonderful job educating people about healthy choices. I would like to see the same thing you do. As far as Obama is concerned his plate is too small for all the stuff he has on it...Time will tell.... in the meantime he seems to really want to work with the people.

Yes...It's true people have to want to change their lifestyles before they take the first step. It is that instant gratification that gets us in trouble...Try to tell people they don't need so much and see what happens. I have brought up blogs about the ethical treatment of animals on these boards several times, asking people to please stop eating so much meat. Rarely do I get a post back, but if I do people tell me God gave them animals to eat, so they are going to eat them.....We eat entirely too much meat and dead food is not good for the human body. I am not sure why God didn't make meat tasting vegetables...They would have been a lot better for us and the poor defenseless animals would not have to suffer.

Gandi says you can tell the humanity/compassion of people by the way they treat their animals...I think he is right.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on September 12, 2009 at 1:55pm
they keep me in business, casey. it's so sad to see them come in so sick....after having had so many surgeries, and taking 10+ pharms a day, they're tired, worn down and have no energy.

by now, anyone who's read my blogs and political posts knows i'm all for freedom of choice. that said, my hope regarding health care reform is that government provides disease prevention education as part of a health care reform plan to enable people to make high quality lifestyle choices for themselves, as well as a being a respectful and honoring example to friends, family and generations to come. change begins with individual choice. it's easier for others to take a step up when they see their friends and family as a successful example of what can be accomplished. first they fight, but eventually they come around. :-)
Comment by caseyjo on September 12, 2009 at 12:14pm
The clip is part of a ten part series called inside the White House. The series was not all about the garden, which is most likely why the garden clip was so short. I will see if I can find it again for the date. There is a whole story somewhere on the garden, I will see if I can find it also.

Oh Well...Bias is never going to end as long as someone is proud of a accomplishment, as I am sure Michelle is. Someone else will always say it is a biased opinion if it is not their own opinion....Opinion is one thing....not giving as much information as one would like is another, spinning and weaving basic lies is another, and until it is proven that there was a big Garden cover up, I am going to be proud of Michelle for trying, as this was her first try.

There were actually public citizens on Blogs saying that next Obama would take away their rights to eat unhealthy food....They think since he wants to change school diets, next he will take away Burger King and Taco Bell etc......Obama will try to educate and the nut cases will scream he is planning to take away their right to a great big heart attack..I am sure he will not, as it is not in his best interest to divide the country on what they want to eat. I am sure the wingnuts will be able to have their heart attacks on schedule.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on September 12, 2009 at 10:21am
obama personally isn't trying to take away the right to eat unhealthy food...that was part of one of the many parts of proposed health care reform. it's morphed and shifted with just about every conversation. you're right, change is here on many levels....with health care, they're still looking for something to make sense.

thanks for the vid clip. as lovely as it was, it was produced by the white house, and therefore a biased source of information. i don't know what the production date was---do you? the fact that they call it 'the garden' and not 'the organic garden' (as originally touted) is suspect, as it received a lot of press back in the spring for being "organic", but there's no mention in the clip. also, there is mentioned that the soil was "fortified", but fails to mention a compete list of was used to do so. they mention that they're using heirloom seeds, but fail to mention how important or why they're doing that. it's really just a promo piece....i wish they would have done a better job educating its viewership about this importance of organics.

i do like that it's message is one of hope. it's a lot easier for obama to "make school lunches healthier" than it is to do some of the other things he's done. so why weren't the school lunches improved nationally, like they have been for some time in berkeley, ca? it's all about funding and school budgets, which are usually the first to get cut when state government is looking for money for something else....eliminating art, music and other programs from schools....and books. i would feel a lot better had that happened by now. the 'right to eat healthy food' comments have been in reference to monsanto and other corporate giants who sell gmo seeds to the world and taint organic soils....permanently. and yes, our government supports that, too.

many things need to change...including the greedy relationships government has with large corporate concerns who have lined their campaign and personal pockets for decades.
Comment by caseyjo on September 12, 2009 at 8:29am
...This is only the beginning...give them time. They are young, sincere, they really want to do a good job for the country. Being the first couple of color, I am sure it is even more important to them to show what we can all do if we work together. Obama's very much tried to stay in the middle and has even asked people (anyone can write) to give him their suggestions. I have never seen anything like this before. Give this wonderful young couple some support, you might be surprised at what they can accomplish...There will always be big government as long as there is government. It hasn't gotten any smaller has it?....Please don't bring up the minute amount of whatever it was found in the soil. The Obama's didnt put it there and the soil was still found to be safe. I'm not sure why they ran that article in the first place. Obama has also mentioned making school lunches healthier. After that I heard all kinds of asinine statements about how Obama was trying to take away peoples rights to eat unhealthy food...If that don't beat all......United we stand...Divided we fall......It appears we are all going to fall, because the arguments are only going to get worse. Young people know we have to make big changes, and we have to start soon.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on September 11, 2009 at 11:45pm
casey...thanks for pointing that out...i'll add a li'l sumpthin' to make the link more noticeable.

the government hasn't mentioned much about prevention education...that's what it's going to take. the thing is, education costs money and they're looking to MAKE money. so they'll probably continue to run ads brainwashing americans to 'ask their doctor about' the flavor of the moment drug. it's not the drugs that bug me -- i object to the reckless and overprescribing of pharms. there are so many other ways to fix this problem. will they stand to increase their revenues at the current rate? probably not. but they had their party at the expense of millions of lives. if only they'd listen to solutions to the problem without greedy ears.

if only this mindset would shift....what a wonderful world it would be.
Comment by Greg Wilson on September 11, 2009 at 7:11pm
Oh he is just so dead on. They are creating their reasoning....
Comment by caseyjo on September 11, 2009 at 4:55pm
Maybe if the government runs it, and tries to get people to concentrate on health...Hope they will take away all the adds that brainwash us on a daily basis...flashing bill boards, flashing tv commercials, flashing, internet adds that drive us crazy....everything flashing ..embedding their sick messaging in our brains on a daily basis. What's the difference...we are all already brainwashed and if you are selling a product, you wouldn't want competition in your way.....All of this is all posturing to get the Republicans back in office when it comes time anyway...Just more government, more of the same hogwash.



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