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ABC Network Bans TV Ad Exposing Obamacare

Dear Friends,

I am not suggesting that you donate to the League of American Voters, but simply read that ABC has refused to run and ad that opposed Obama Care. What about free speech in this country?

This is a well known Conservative organization, but don’t they have the right to advertise as others? Send ABC and email and let them know how you feel. Politics may have been this way for a long time, but it seems to me it is reaching an unparalleled level of ugliness and divisiveness to me.

An Urgent Message From the League of American Voters
Dear Friend:

I have some very shocking news.

ABC television has banned our TV ad from airing on its network.

Frankly, I was stunned when I heard the news from our media buyer yesterday.

Right now, our TV ad exposing Obamacare is running in 12 states.

With our success — thanks to your incredible support — we were planning to go national, so we sent the ad to the major networks.

This TV ad simply tells the truth about Obamacare.

This powerful ad features a respected medical doctor — a neurosurgeon, in fact — who warns that Obamacare will decimate healthcare for seniors and others in need of life-saving medical procedures.

As Dr. Cuffe explains in the ad, if Obama gets his way and adds 50 million new patients to the government system, it inevitably will lead to a single payor system, rationing of healthcare procedures and vital medicines for the elderly.

Dr. Cuffe says universal healthcare has led to this same situation in Canada andEngland.

You can see Dr. Cuffe and donate to help air this ad —

We know why ABC is so afraid of the League's TV ad. It knows the message resonates with the American people.

This is the same network that aired an infomercial for the Obama plan directly from the White House.

Clearly, ABC knows seniors will not be hoodwinked by Obama when they learn the truth.

Despite ABC's brazen act of censorship, we need to continue to run this ad on other stations across the nation and on major networks.

Time is very short, so we really need your help.

Please Go Here Now to Support This Ad.

We CAN make a huge difference. The ABC decision proves we are on the right track.

Please help us today!

Thank you.


Bob Adams
Executive Director

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Comment by Nick Danger on August 22, 2009 at 7:40am
No wonder ABC refused to run their ad. That should have clued in anyone who had any doubts that the content is fabricated.

The problem seems to be that, there own web site aside, there seems to be no other mention of it anywhere else.

it's not a 'have something to prove' thing -- it's an 'information exchange' thing.

It is difficult to exchange information when there's apparently no actual information to exchange.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 21, 2009 at 10:32pm
no mud slinging...you behaved all the ways i mentioned.
since you haven't yet provided any concrete facts to dispel what they say, people could think the same of you, pacis.

how can you tell by their mission statement that the content of the post is fabricated? because i can't tell. but you apparently have more experience with this than i do.

it's not a 'have something to prove' thing -- it's an 'information exchange' thing. hey, i'm just looking for answers and so far, i'm not getting any from you...but you don't lack in sarcasm. i need more than that.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 21, 2009 at 9:37pm
The League of American Voters
Mission and Goals

The League of American Voters is a national non-partisan and 501(c)4 non-profit organization created to keep our elected officials in Washington and across the nation accountable. In past decades, Americans could rely on the media and political parties to serve as checks against the growth of government, corruption and incompetence. The League of American voters seeks to make the nation's democratic system stronger and more vibrant by demanding greater accountability from our officials.

The League has a broad mandate: to educate the American people on core issues. Among these core issues are defending America’s free enterprise system, supporting a strong national defense and security infrastructure, promoting common sense family values and championing the idea that good government is one that is both limited and honest.

The League is a national membership organization open to members of all political parties who share the group's mission.

The League seeks to further its goals by several means, including:

• Television and media ad campaigns on key issues

• Conducting regular vote audits and ratings of Congressmen and Senators, and sharing these results with its membership and the public

• Conducting public seminars on key topics

• Supporting academic research projects and studies that support the organization’s mission


This organization sounds reasonable to me.
I've never claimed to have the answers. I'm not political. So rather than bashing, help me understand your point of view. Present some facts. I'm looking for education and resolution, not confrontation with lack of valuable information content. You all must know a lot more about this than I do, because you bash me every step of the way. So rather than be negative, why don't you share some of your information and education with me?
Comment by Mark F on August 21, 2009 at 9:23pm
Well, I'm opposed to any censorship, but the free speech part, I feel ABC has just as much right to not air an ad as someone has to make a ad. I think ABC has a responsibility to ensure that the company behind the ad is legit, and the content is accurate. I would guess they have doubts.
Comment by Nick Danger on August 21, 2009 at 6:36pm
Of some interest is that if you Google the story, you get no hits.

One might suspect that if there was anything to this, there would be at least one story from an outside source.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 21, 2009 at 5:29pm
the first point you made was to criticize the format of the website, pacis. and i'm aware of where the link lead. like i said earlier, it's the best and most i could find. if you can do better, go for it. i welcome something productive from you.

all you have are opinions. where are your facts? do some research on your own.

it's so easy to pick apart and tear down someone else's information and not back it up with any opposing facts. it's meaningless. and insulant. and counterproductive. and unimaginative.

why don't you put your time and talent to good use and find the opposing viewpoint? or find out what's behind the post? or dig up whatever you can that's productive, rather than just behaving as a critical, demeaning nudge.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 21, 2009 at 4:54pm
pacis, you must have missed the post i made giving the link directly to the clinic's website. quinn asked for information, i was doing the best i could to provide anything i could find to help her.

and not for nuthin' but not everyone is a dazzeling web designer. i know i'm not. so what if the font is big and they use stock photos? stock photos is big business and it's what keeps photographers paying the bills when business is lean.

seriously, is that the best you can do?
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 21, 2009 at 3:46pm
and some about his clinic:

hope this helps.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 21, 2009 at 3:41pm
sorry...i'm not always good at that link thing.
try www.leagueofamericanvoters.com. up at the top, there are tabs...home, who we are, staff, etc. you can check them out.
and i found some information about dr mark j cuffe:
Comment by Quinn on August 21, 2009 at 2:51pm
hummm...that link doesn't exsist OC...The only thing I could find was the commerical.
Still nothing about ABC banning the commercial. Starting to think this might be a hoax on the part of this Dr Cuffe???



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