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Seen near Durham, NC, on US Hwy 15-501 at Lamm's Grove intersection.

No doubt, Mr Obama has inherited a mess....and it takes time, careful planning and wisdom to fix problems -- especially big ones.

Not for nuthin', but didn't Mr Obama win North Carolina in the presidential election? Wow...it doesn't look like the people are so happy about that 'change' these days, now that they see where he's going with it.

My, how people turn when they feel the burn.

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Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 10, 2009 at 4:38pm
getagroove...do you really think that the American public even considers what the rest of the world thinks of them? I don't know if it would even occur to them. It seems many people already feel overwhelmed with their daily responsibilities to give a thought to much else. People already feel squeezed to pay more taxes -- and they're resentful that monies were appropriated to mismanaged companies whose executives earn more money in a month than many people earn in a year. People are disenchanted and, quite frankly, pissed. Many of them have lost their homes and jobs. They've lost their credit cards, too, and can't afford daily basics.

True, we have created an impatient 'get-it-now' society. I don't know enough about the new money that was printed, devaluing the dollar....what do you know about it?

I agree with you that we will come back, but things will be very different. I would hate to see the loss of our civil liberties and freedoms in the meantime. I hope that Mr Obama and his appointees will maintain respect for this country's founding philosophies -- the Constitution and Bill of Rights -- through their decision-making process. Sometimes it feels as though we're losing our civil liberties.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 10, 2009 at 4:27pm
i wonder if that sign is even still there?
Comment by SuzanneF on August 8, 2009 at 12:25am
He inherited a crisis....AND he has changed it, but for the worse.

OMG!!! The cash for clunkers, while it's stimulating car sales, it's putting people deeper in debt by allowing them to purchase a new car and take on yet another debt. How much more in your face does it have to be? There is a reason I drive a clunker, it's all I can barely afford, and even my hubby says we can't even afford that. So ummmmmm.....hello CARS program. Cash for clunkers, no try, cash for dealers.
Comment by Getagroove on August 8, 2009 at 12:18am
I think that sign was put up by the local Republican party. It's got all of their talking points on it.

I feel just the opposite. I think he is focusing too much on bipartisan support and been compromising too much. Sure people are upset about the bailout but he inherited an economy on the verge of a financial meltdown. Remember, the first bailout was done under Bush. It seems to me that we should learn from this that regulations on the financial industry that existed before they repealed them in the 1990s should be put back in place. It is allowing all banks and financial companies to become investment bankers that got us into this mess. Obama, I think has been able steady a crisis but has not been able to change the rules so it cannot happen again. People are very impatient in this country. I think we're having a psychological meltdown because of our diminished status in the world. For the first time in a long time we fear for our security and freaking out. Yes, the free ride of doing things on borrowed money is over for us personally and as a country. People want all kinds of things but won't hear of raising taxes or cutting other programs to pay for them. I feel the U.S. economy is still capable of springing back but things are going to have to change in order to maintain it. Just my two cents.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 7, 2009 at 6:01pm
ps---what happened to your pic, urban?
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 7, 2009 at 5:59pm
it kind of is based on facts.....taxes have been increased--and we're looking at more soon. there are proposed bills which will increase taxes and regulation. there is more government, with even more on the way (see the regulation comment). people are pissed about the bail outs cuz they've lost their homes. i don't know much about the welfare to comment --- but unemployment has been hovering just under 15% in california. and let's face it....spending a reported $1 on an organic garden (that no one apparently pre-tested the soil for) was, in my book, "overspending". seriously -- it's a backyard garden, not a 10 acre farm!

obama supporters think that i bash obama...and i don't. i just present issues as they present themselves.

that said, do you think the people who put up this sign are pissed because they feel he promised too much too soon?
do you think that he bit off more than he can chew by doing so much so fast?
do you feel he's pushing bills through for the sake of making a 'change'?

there seems to be a lot of dissension already....and we're not even a year into this administration. it makes me think...a lot.
Comment by Urbangal on August 7, 2009 at 5:42pm
Well, the people who posted that sign may or may not have been Obama supporters. We can't know for sure. Some of the items on the sign are simply opinion and not based in fact.



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