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All Blog Posts Tagged 'politics' (5)

Stupidity, addiction and the polluted nest

I've been avoiding the gulf oil spill. This is no easy task.

Coverage is everywhere and growing more shrill and panicked by the day. Ed Shultz is shouting at the top of his lungs, Tamron Hall is running her coffee fueled mouth at 1500 words a minute, and poor little Bobby Jindal is talking with increased frustration about the lack of Coast Guard and federal response, looking like he might burst into tears at any moment. I feel his pain.

CNN, C-span, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News,… Continue

Added by Vernon Windsor on May 25, 2010 at 2:52pm — 6 Comments

We are far better than this,

Have you ever wondered why many conservatives and Republicans are quick to label others "anti-American," "socialist," "communist," or "racist?"

Have you ever asked yourself why they wrap themselves in the flag and proclaim themselves to be "patriots," as if the rest of us don't qualify?

Have you thought it curious that while they are pounding their chests about how the United States is the greatest country in the world with the best system of government on the planet, they… Continue

Added by Vernon Windsor on May 25, 2010 at 12:51pm — 7 Comments

New epidemic—Failure to grow up

Bullies, vipers, haters, tattlers, whiners, passive-aggressives, and many more. Why is it that some adults find it close to impossible to grow up? Now I'm all about maintaining your inner child, holding on to your sense of wonder, and retaining (and enhancing) your ability to play. That's not what I'm referring to here.

I'm talking about people calling each other names because they are online and no one can reach over and give them a good dope slap. I'm talking about people who, faced… Continue

Added by Vernon Windsor on February 22, 2010 at 12:45pm — 13 Comments

Senate Health Care Bill

Has there ever been a better example of the complete breakdown of our national government and the legislative process than the Senate health care bill that squeaked by last week? What a fiasco. Think about all of the months of committee meetings, town hall meetings turning violent and verbally abusive, spoken about ad nauseam in the 2008 Presidential campaign and this is the best we could do? It's bad enough that Senators take money from so many private interests that wind up influencing their… Continue

Added by Getagroove on December 28, 2009 at 1:44am — 2 Comments

Healthcare by Mob Rule?

Private industry has sunk to a new low in trying to get their way. Documents recovered and shown in the mainstream media television outlets show a public relations firm hired by the insurance industry has been organizing an "astroturf" rebellion (a phony grassroots organizing effort) to disrupt town meetings during the month of August while Congress is in recess and discussing proposed changes to the health care delivery and insurance system.

Whatever the public decides it wants to… Continue

Added by Getagroove on August 5, 2009 at 11:16am — 11 Comments

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