Stand naked and alone before the whole wide world -
Bleed beneath the knife in broad day light -
. . . . . . . . yet no one sees . . .
The mind convulsed with truths and bursting
- fish upon the rapids leaping, bent to spawn,
- intent to speak one word, one radient rainbow gem
sparkling bold and glorious . . .
The tongue clacks softly in an orifice of dust,
no other sound will utter;
the damned tongue no… Continue
Added by ZenDog on July 14, 2009 at 5:30am —
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No Matter what we as a people may or may not have thought about Michael Jackson as a person we can look a this acts as a human being. We as a people can look a the negative or look a the positive both do exist . The acts of kindness and good deeds this man did can only make us look at what a difference he made in this world and as a human being he was such an addition not subtraction to it. He made the difference and kept on making the difference with doing and giving monies and time to…Continue