I'm a boomer woman -- I love words, dogs -- esp. my rescue dog, apitbull/Australian shepherd mix -- , travel -- esp. leading student trips to Central America and Africa -- it changes the work they will do -- I love good conversation with people one or two or three at a time -- I like to give them my complete attention and receive that in return -- I teach in a graduate theological school -- I love yoga even though my practice has gone to hell lately -- I love Big Love and Saving Grace and So You Think You Can Dance and I've been on a Criminal Minds kick -- I love poetry, lately Scott Cairns
I know you're very busy right now, but when things wind down a bit, come check out Tier II. If you like it, knock on the door by messaging Katherine Brennan, moderator. I told her you are just the kind of writer we want and need.
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Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
I know you're very busy right now, but when things wind down a bit, come check out Tier II. If you like it, knock on the door by messaging Katherine Brennan, moderator. I told her you are just the kind of writer we want and need.
BTW: what your plans for the holidays?