On an unusually unseasonably chilly morning last week, I  decided to have something I look forward to but rarely get many mornings on my way to work. : A HOT bagel. As usual last week, biting into my everything bagel with cream cheese in my car, any warmth had disappeared hours ago. Is it asking too much to get a hot bagel from a store that advertises hot bagels? Instead they often  taste like they just came out of a refrigerator? Just once, I'd like a little more butter or cream cheese that fits on my pinky. I'm not paying for gold.

For the outrageous price of about $4 for a bagel and coffee in places I patronize , I expect more than just a dab of cholesterol -laden spread on it. This is not Brylcreem. A little dab WON'T do me. Sometimes the wait is so long for my morning "fix" that I abstain from my often daily rip-off and am relegated to purchase coffee and an overpriced piece of pre-wrapped pound cake at a nearby competitor. So  this holiday  weekend, I am forsaking all my breakfast bailiwicks. I'm having toasted rum muffins with gobs of butter and jelly....and some onions, garlic, and salt just for spite.!!