TBD on Ning

Good morning all!  Welcome to our friendly little coffee shop where you can meet up with some new or old friends.  Come on in, have a seat by the fire and stay warm!  Enjoy the weekend and be safe.

Tags: coffee, conversation, food, friends, fun, humor, music

Views: 40

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Very popular in the mid sixties before Xerox.
I'll have to do a little search on that one.
I can't think of elementary school with out smelling the alcohol of mimeographs.
Yes. I will remember that smell always.
They took the letters off so we would learn, but there was another reason that still might be classified.
I'll just say.....Remember that I was a cryptographer. Dealing with secret coded messages.
Ahhhh. . . gotcha.
I see Taylor put up some games here!
Yeah, she was really working it last night.
Did you see the little story? LOL
I came up on line and just hit last reply thinking it was the DG. I had no idea what they were talking about, so I made a couple goofy post. I had to go back later and delete them. I though there was a rumor monger amongst us.




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