TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. You are most welcome to return in the evening for drinks, music and lots of fun. Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us.

Ladyg - Owner
Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender

Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 42

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The doors are always open, come in sit have a cup of fresh brewed coffee on us. Your money is no good here. The lounge is for the members to come in and be comfortable. Welcome all who pass this way, please drop a line and say hello.

good Sunday morning, Ladyg, and Mary, and jeff, and all the rest!

i like the remodeled coffee shop, Ladyg! spartan but welcoming at the same time.... think i'll stop and have breakfast!
Don't worry about that sweetie, we will help to connect the two personas. You will not go backwards OK. Will be thinking on what to do, talk to you later Lynn and all others that pass this way.
Thanks, Ladyg! i've been pondering, not real urgent, i can just keep doing what i'm doing indefinitely.
Greetings. Almost time for bed, but I do want to post on this site first. Today was interesing. A man from our church picks my grandson up for church then my grandson usually spends the day with me and this man takes my grandson home after our evening service. Today, my grandson asked me at morning church, "WIll you stop at the grocery store when you take me home?" I did not know I was to take him home. Well we ate at Old Country Buffet (Grandma paid as usuall) for a late Christmas celebration, then I did stop at a grocery store for him before I took him home and then I had to drive home with the half of the lanes missing due to snow that has fallen. I did not go to eveing service tonight due to our snowing streets and hills.
Kathys Comments

Kathys Comments

I'm a day late, but what else is new?????? LOL........I really hope everyone has a Blessed and wonderful week this week!!!!!!!

Shout outs and hugs to ........ {{{{Ladyg, Lynn, Amazon, Bonnie, Jeff, Chickie Cat, Cat, LK}}}}}}}}}}} if I have missed anyone, I'm sorry........:)
You are never late Mary and greetings to all that past this way...........MUAH♥♥♥

i'm not so early for a Monday, myself, but i got here before dark, at least!
celebrating in Mobile! when my aunt & uncle lived there (i was a kid), i'm pretty sure we went to a parade at least once, i must've been about 8 or 10. i remember the serpentine, and the floats, not much else.... sounds like fun!!!
how do !!! everyone hope everyone had a great weekend...just stopping in to say hi dee hi dee!! ....having a heat wave here in illinois its 20 degrees!! ...woo whoo!!!!...i am so ready 4 summer..getting too old 4 this bone chilling weather...hope ya'll have a great one ..color me gone!!
Alright it's Mardi Gras!!!!!!! Woo Hoo........can't wait.....oh dear, have to look around for my Mardi Gras stuff, hmmmmmm where did I pack them from last year??????.........Can't wait, don't know about having a Krew since, I haven't been on that end.....just in a few parades and such....and catching as many beads I could.......lol

I am borrowing this from the Daily Grind to let my members know what is going on:
both members and visitors. We have just been presented with a great opportunity and we have moved a little way down the street to bigger and better quarters. This came up all of a sudden yesterday and so we jumped on it. We are still on TBD/Ning, just in a different location. On any page you will see along the top border near where you click on “My Page”, “ Q&A”, “Forums”, ect., a new category called “The Welcome Lounge”. Just click on that, join the group and you will find us as a discussion thread along with other discussions such as “Moosie’s Crossing” and other of your favorite sites. More will be opening soon. And you are welcome to start your own discussions.
This will operate like the Welcome Lounge in the old TBD. If you are a member of the Welcome Lounge, you will automatically be a member of all the discussions there. So don’t bother to put your coat back on, just walk down the mall and come on in.




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