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Happy birthday  BMichael

Thanks! Hugs! :)

Feel much better today.

The Empire Strikes Back.


Starting to, anyway. (Expecting a little ugliness along the route)

From MSNBC...

President Donald Trump did not have time to visit buried veterans in Arlington Cemetery on Veteran's Day, but he'll be in Elvis Presley's birthplace the Monday after Thanksgiving in an attempt to shore up the stumbling runoff campaign of incumbent Republic Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith.

Hail Mary

I hope she gets her ass handed to her.

Well, okay, she didn't have it handed to her,  but, look at all the money they had to spend to win a Republican seat in MS. That's money they won't have for some other race

I like the way you think, Westerly. :-)

Noooo, Mr. Precedent, you've got it all wrong.

The people will revolt if you're not impeached.


WH says it wants to avoid shutdown, will find other ways to fund wall - Washington Post

Ha! The paper tiger backed down.


I’m certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to these things, but I distinctly remember Donald McRonald making a campaign promise that he would build a wall on our southern border- and that Mexico is going to pay for it.

Well, Mexico balked at that, and now he is asking Congress for 5.1 billion dollars to build the wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for as part of a spending bill that is necessary to keep the government up and running.

But Congress is offering 1.5 billion for the wall(attached to other legislation) over which The Clown threw a temper tantrum  and  threatened to shut down the government by not signing the bill if he doesn’t get his way.

 Congress called his bluff.

Today, he flipped and said that he didn’t want to shut down the government after all and would look for Wall money somewhere else.

So, at a press conference today, Sarah Huckleberry was asked by an astute reporter where he was going to look for the money. She gave a vague list of options , one of which was that they were asking all branches of the government to look closely to see where they can cut and provide money for the wall.

To which the reporter replied that the money then, would actually be coming from American tax payers, and also asked if they were going to raise any more money through taxes. Huckleberry said there would be no taxation, but that the money would be coming as a result of the benefits of the new trade deal with Mexico. In that case, she said, Mexico would be paying for the wall.

Incredulous, the reporter then commented that trade money doesn’t go to the treasury…it remains with the public.

Realizing the trap, Huckleberry blurted out nonsense and quickly called on another reporter.

You can find this exchange on CNN.


In other news, today the administration did something appropriate (even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while), by banning bump stocks.

Of course, that ticked off the Gun Owners of America organization who are filing suit.







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