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I think he'll try hard enough

Watch it, Bmichael!  This is a family venue!

Now...this is must see TV...


yes, I caught some of Brennan .Pretty shocking behavior continues to get more shocking. Now we have Fox News mud wrestlers on the "legal team"

Ambien Manufacturer Fires Back at Roseanne: ‘Racism Is Not a Known Side Effect’

Haven't posted anything about Ronald McDonald lately - which is quite refreshing. Instead, we have this garbage from Roseanne, which, among other things is teaching us a new word...abhorrent.

While watching the national news on the subject at work, the majority of the the folks  there could not define it. Rolls eyes. (I gotta get a better job)

I have, however, spent considerable time trying to differentiate between the 2 personalities...and am trying to give The Clown some kind of benefit of the doubt as he continues to be frustrated  whenever the big news is not about him - and inserts himself into it anyway.


A lot of people , like Roseanne, try to be like him, but can't get away with it. Somehow he can walk through fire, unscathed, but everybody else gets burned. Strange how that works. I keep waiting for the flaming finish, but it never comes. Will we ever see the day?

Another lawsuit?

This time by  New York State (am wondering if Carol is behind this). Something about using charitable donations for personal and/or campaign use.

Darn...I'm starting to feel kind of sorry for the little guy.....

(CRRRAAAASSSSHHHHHH!!!!!) B narrowly dives out of the way of the lightning bolt and under the couch.

Uhhh....er...as I was saying (smoothes out his slightly singed ponytail)...ummm...gosh , I certainly hope that the Precedent can finally get past all of these minor difficulties and get back to what's really important - saluting generals in Communist dictatorships. :)

I wish I were behind it, Bmichael.

anybody else get a mailing from a group called "judicial Watch," asking for money? My letter started out extoling the wonderful work trump is doing, "but we need your help." They need money to stop illegal immigration and a host of other things, such as "fighting corruption" and strengthening " the rule of Law" Oy!  How many people got these? A waste of money going to a CA democrat . I was invited to check out their website - judicial watch.( something), if you're interested.

Have you heard of these people?


I went to a Keep Families Together rally/protest today.  A majority of the people there looked like they also protested the war in Vietnam -- not that there's anything wrong with that.

Glad you made it. Were there thousands?




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