Working as a merchandiser in various supermarkets, I'm often in the candy aisle where my job includes resetting the racks of gum.   While working with my team of merchandisers one afternoon, we had gum in milk crates, in totes, in shopping carts, and on hooks  clogging up the aisle as we needed to move all the product.  A disgruntled elderly woman was apparently annoyed she was forced to navigate the aisle around the workers and products all over the aisle.  She could not find the gum she wanted..(Most likely it was on the bottom of some tote out of sight.) She  stopped to ask me a very strange question. "Are you the man from Orbit." Orbit is a brand name of gum made by the Wrigley Company.    "Am I the man from Orbit?", I replied jokingly. "No,  I'm just a space cadet.  You must want my uncle, BUZZ LIGHTYEAR, the astronaut." She stared at me with a puzzled look saying. "I need my orbit", and continued walking down the aisle looking at  some Christmas candy which was  already on the shelf in early November . That's retail for you.  By the way...I don't chew gum..but I have eaten a Milky Way or Mars Bar on occasion.