TBD on Ning

I am a major fan of the works of the late Sir Terry Pratchett.
I have all of the books and have read each at least once--except for his last, which I am saving for a special treat.
I also own several DVD's of television productions based on the Discworld.
Recently, a new series has become available through BBC America:  The Watch.
I've only watched a part of the first episode and am trying to get my head around the casting choices for my favorite Ankh-Morpork residents.
I'm starting this discussion to see if there are any other TBD members who have opinions on this particular cultural phenomenon.

Tags: Ankh-Morpork, Discworld, Pratchett, Terry

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Thanks for the information. I have heard of Terry Pratchett, but I have never read any of his works. Were there any other movies or TV series bases on his work?

His novels of Discworld were the most popular when made into movies for television.  My favorites have been "Hogfather", "The Colour of Magic" and "Going Postal" which were filmed with actors.  Others have been animated like "Wyrd Sisters" and "Soul Music".  
I just googled this question and noticed that there were others available on YouTube that I haven't seen yet, so I guess that I will be doing some more exploring.
"Hogfather" has become a family favorite for Christmas.  The lead actress is Michelle Dockery  (Lady Mary from "Downton Abbey") playing the role of a nanny named Susan who is Death's granddaughter.  She is on a mission to save the Discworld counterpart to Santa Claus.




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