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What is it with the "You had to be there" experience?

I don't understand how something can be riotously funny when you're present for whatever the experience is, and yet it doesn't translate in the retelling. What is this "you had to be there" phenomena? How does it happen?

I guess you had to be there. 

Tags: You-had-to-be-there, too-funny

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You know how sometimes something just strikes you as absolutely hilarious?

Well, last night my bestest chickie, Kati_did & I were y/m'ing. She was telling me about a date she'd been on the night before. I asked what her date's name was, to which she replied,
"His name is Duane (he can't help it, it was his parents fault)"

To this I replied, "Duane's not a bad name. That's my step-brother Michael's name."

duh. It's Michael's MIDDLE NAME, I meant to include. We both busted out laughing over this. We were crying we were laughing so hard. Kati_did stopped y/m'ing me & called me just to laugh at it.
I tell mr. hottie, who's sitting in the living room w/me as it's happening. I'm laughing so hard I can barely tell him what transpired. Once I tell him - he just looks at me. He doesn't laugh at all. I'm STILL laughing about it! ;-D

How does this happen that something can strike someone soooooooo hysterically funny, & not be funny to other people??
rotflmao!! I'm still laughing, too! omg.... ;-D

I love you, Kati_did! And I LOVE how much fun we have together!!!!!!! xox
you made me gigglesnort w/that one! ;-D
It's called "context".

It's like when you see a band live, and you're trying to describe their performance of a well-known song, and how it gains something hard to define in the live version - But, since you can't really describe the light show, the volume, the vibe of the crowd, the environment of the venue, your own attitude and the complex combination of anticipation and/or expectation - the Context, in other words - All you can really do is describe the effect the song had on you, how it felt to hear it - Not what it actually sounded like.

"You had to be there."
Yes, I get that.
And hey, stranger - what's up?
Yeah, or like describing sex.
I've always been into the "you had to be there yuks". I'm carrying around a healthy dose of it after this past weekend meeting up with the Kremises and gang. Geez I didn't know us older people could act so dumb and laugh about it!
It is very simple, d's. Take four middle aged guys and work them ten to twelve hours a day and after the third day they are so tired and goofy and on the verge of hallucinations that even the remedial jokes tickle them.

I had one two weeks ago that made the guys fall on the floor yet three days later even I can't see why it was so funny and I was even there.
lol! Well, I hope you got a laugh out of my comment to Kati_did, then. We have thoroughly enjoyed it b/t the 2 of us. I still laugh when I think about it! ;-D
I actually had one of those today in Target.
I'm in housewares.
Young man steps into aisle and says to some one out of sight,
"They have Calfelon here"
Female voice responds,
"No," he responds, "Calfelon".
Again, she responds, "telephone?"
I'm beyond smiling by now and say to him that I couldn't help but hear that exchange and I thought it amusing.
His response, "She spends way too much time on the ipad".
Thought I would wet my pants......!

I had an experience shopping tonight, too.
I was shopping by myself & had been there too long, obviously. I said something to myself, out loud, and as I rounded the corner to the next aisle, discovered a man looking at me. I smiled & said, "You just caught me talking to myself, didn't you??" To which he responded, w/out hesitation, "No, I was looking at your beautiful eyes." what? ha. I just stood there, like a dumb ass. That's just not where my head was & it just pulled me up short.
I would tell you about the time my friend Angie and I were trying on hats at Macy's and laughed so hard they asked us to leave the store...but, no one but her and I thought it was funny--you had to be there :-)




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