TBD on Ning

Did you know that jello and other geletins are made from disolved animal hides?

Know wonder I never liked the stuff! If you don't belive me you can google it or go to the

'Straight Dope' site and ask.

Views: 187

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for introducing that site; I had not heard of it before.

you're welcome apposite. They have some amazing facts on there don't they?

Truly, I even subscribed:)

I'll check it out.


I've never been a jello fan, thank goodness!

Yes, I did know that.

That I wasn't a jello fan?


Yes, Teebs is very sensitive that way. '-)

I'd just recently learned that gelatin contained pork b/c some of my Muslim coworkers who don't eat pork explained to me that that's why they don't eat Jello.

 Reply by Quinn 1 hour ago

That I wasn't a jello fan?

Quinn you don't know what your missing until you try my Lime Jello with olives, celery, and cheese. Of course if you not a big fan of cheese either, I could substitute some Spam. 

I think I'm going to print this out and hang it on my fridge...this may well be the best appetite suppressant I've ever seen...


As d's would say... gigglesnort.




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