TBD on Ning

A ponzi scheme is basically a program that relies on a continuis stream of new investors to be able to pay dividends to those already in the program. It is illegal.

The government of the united states is basically a program that relies on a continuis stream of new investors (tax payers, workers comming into the work force) to be able to pay dividends to those already in the program.

So, what's the difference between our government and a program like Bernie Madoffs? Bernie paid dividends like clockwork for more than 30 years before being caught and arrested.

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I don't recall Madoff building any hydroelectric dams or providing schooling to the impoverished folk who didn't have the means to invest with him.
His investors were among the weathiest people in the country and the charities they contribute to help build not only the US, but countries in need around the world. In addition, they owned business's around the country that provide jobs for Americans.
Don't make a hero out of a criminal. Your trying to compare apples to oranges.
Bob, my question is, what exactly makes his actions criminal when the government is doing the same thing?
Interesting. So, Michael, what would you do about it?
Elect Madoff to office? haha
Hi realteal,
In answer to your question, I don't know what I would do about his program but I certainly wouldn't seize all the corporate assets and wipe out the investors. As for public office, I'm sure they don't pay enough to interest him. (besides, there are probably to many shady deals going on in politics.)
I certainly don't know. You might contact an attorney for an answer.
Well Michael, This is totally off the top of my head, but here is my take. When you pay your taxes you pretty much know where the money is going. No, not specifically, but you know X amount is going to infrastructure, X amount for education, X amount for police and fire, X amount to defense, and so forth. And if you don't agreee with where the money is spent, you can vote the lying cheating sob's outta office. Or at least you can cast your vote to try to run them out of office. Anyway, it is a promise for services, and also for the freedoms that most Americans take for granted.. Bernie is a totally different idea. Bernie promised cash. You paid your money with a promise of a return. And yes, some did make money. But the accounting for the cash was hidden behind so many smoke screens that even the saviest investors were fooled. Yes, the government favors certain sectors of the population too, but overall, the money from taxes is spread around to most (but certainly not all) of the population. Bernie hand picked a few cronies to pay, and screwed the rest. IMHO seems like apples and oranges.
Hey TeeBubbaDee, thanks for the thoughtfull response. But ya know what, a few years ago when my company closed down, I decided to live on my savings, and did so for a couple years. I thought I was being patriotic by not taking money from the government. All durring the time I worked I had been paying into unemployment, social security, etc. Anyway, after a couple years I went to apply for unemployment. I figured I'd get a nice check because my previous income was pretty high. So I went to the office and was told I didnt qualify because I hadn't worked in the previous year. I asked "so what happend to the 25 years of contributions I had made?" They told me that the government keeps it and I had forfeited it. So isnt that a bit like "screwing" the little guy?
Hi Michael, No doubt, you got shafted, and I think that's a sad deal. You were trying to be the good guy, and got pounded for your efforts.
The little guy gets screwed in so many ways you can't keep up with 'em.




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