TBD on Ning

How do you close replies to a discussion? Is it still called a discussion then?

This is beyond comprehension to me. Where have the basic freedoms of the internet gone?

Tags: Don't, get, it?

Views: 7

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Of course the  basic freedoms aren't gone. If I start a discussion and don't like the way it is going, I have every right to end it.

All you have to do if you want to continue, is start a discussion on the same topic......and continue on. Except, I now do not have to participate.

How would that be any different than ending a conversation on the street by going in my house and shuting you out?


That answers my question, it's not a discussion. It's "I'm taking my ball and going home".....I did that when I was 6!

What discussion are you in reference to???
Dodger's post.
Yeah...ok. It was rather abrupt. I suppose she had a resaon.
Dodger, I didn't realize you had closed it, thought it was done for you. My mistake, not here much as I'm working on expanding the NJ Turnpike. Couldn't understand why a discussion that I saw nothing wrong with was closed. Thanks for enlightening me! I'll shut up now.....;)
There all legal....till you had too much, .....Then you too can be an ill eagle.....;)

You are a very wise woman.  So many Q&A go over the deep end..most in fun I add.   Some go the other way because some don't know when to stop...call it done. 

It's a good lesson here.  Know when the question is answered..close it and move on.  If someone wants to further it, they can do it under their own moniker and take responsibility for what ever road it takes.


It might have been my post which ended the discussion cuz while people were talking about physical harm & such toward that radical church group I said well heck why not bring all the groups of radicals into the discussion & we can wail on them all from the hippies to the Athiest to the far right loons to the far left loons & everyone inbetween...where do we draw the line? I was being factitious (hope that is the correct spelling)......I am only supposing that may have ended the discussion as I am being punished around here for having a voice of my own, my own ideas on things.
Like I said start putting on your life Jackets..The Atlantis water is rising in TBD NING & It's the Ning people making it rise.....Just goes to show you & me that where-ever we go people are just people & I have a urge to tell Sara (who is only human herself)...I love you sweety.




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