I've been having a recurring dream of looking everywhere for things that I couldn't find, while knowing the boat/train/plane was leaving without me. I hate this dream!
I'm going down a school hallway, looking for a class I'm supposed to teach. I'm 3 hours late and I don't know what subject I'm supposed to do, and did the students wait for me? Where the heck is the bathroom?
From the ages of around 5 to about 13, I had a recurring dream. In the dream, I was an adult and married to a blonde woman who worked at a certain office building next to a set of railroad tracks in the downtown area (all of which actually exist, and which my parents used to drive by repeatedly, which I'm sure is how it worked it's way into my subconscious), and in the dream, I also work downtown, at a nearby building, although I never know what my building looks like. In the dream, I'm walking to her office to have lunch with her. As I approach her building, I notice a crowd gathered at the railroad tracks adjacent to her building. I worm through the crowd, and there's a child, usually around five years old, with their foot stuck in the railroad tracks. There's a train approaching, slowly but surely, and nobody can get the child's foot loose. Everybody scatters as I stay at the child's side, working at their foot, until, at the last second, I free them, scoop them up and leap to safety - Except that I don't quite make it. The child is safe, but I always lose a part of myself to the train - A foot, sometimes the whole leg.
Had that dream, over and over, about once a week, for years - And then, one day, never again.
About ten years after I last had the dream, my agency moved across town to a newly constructed building downtown, about six blocks from the dream building. A year after that, my blonde then-wife's agency moved to the exact building from the dream, and she always wanted me to walk over in nice weather and have lunch with her, and the easiest route matched the route that I took in the dream. I was a nervous wreck until her agency moved to another building about five years after that.
my own recurring dream is that I can float at will. Not fly, but simply lift my legs and float along
to wherever I want to go. I've had it since I was a kid and I am still having it at 58 years old. I'm sure Freud
would have something to say about that.