On the Cliche thread, we've made it up to 91 "LOVE" songs, so the time seems right to create our very first Spinoff Thread and keep the "LOVE" coming here.
I'll post the list of "LOVE" songs below, then the next entry in the Love-in.
all you need is love
baby I need your lovin
back in love again
but you know I love you - the first edition
cant buy me love
chapel of love
could it be I'm falling in love
crazy little thing called love
different kind of love song - cher
do you love me - nick cave
essence of your love - feliciano
everybody loves somebody sometme
for your love - ed townsend
girl in love
good lovin
I feel love - donna summer
I love la
I love my shirt
I love you - climax blues band
I love you - people
I love you - zombies
I love you more today than yesterday
I love you porgy
I think I love you
I wish you love - chrissie hynde
I'm in love - wilson pickett
is this love - bob marely
it could be were in love
la la love you
let your love flow
looking for a love - j geils
love boat
love child
love goes on - go-betweens
love her - the walker bros
love hurts - nazareth
love in an elevator
love is a many splendored thing
love is all around
love is blue- claudine longet
love is everywhere - john denver
love is in the air
love is like oxygen
love is strange - buddy holly
love is the answer
love is the drug
love is where you are - diana krall
love letter - bonnie raitt
love letter - nick cave
love letters - kitty lester
love makes me do foolish things
love makes the world go round
love me - stanley moon
love me do
love me tender
love me with all your heart
love minus zero - the walker bros
love my way
love of the common man
love on the rocks
love rollercoaster
love song - elton john
love song - pink
love special delivery - shondells
love stinks
love street
love takes time
love will tear us apart
love you so much
muskrat love
never ending song of love
one love - bob marley
puppy love
radar love
soul love - bowie
sound of love
tainted love - soft cell
the look of love
to all the girls I've loved before
to sir with love
two dividied by love
what is this thing called love
whats love got to do with it
when love breaks down - prefab sprout
where did our love go - j. geils
where is the love
why do fools fall in love
why do you love me
you don’t have to say you love me
you know I love you - howard jones
Permalink Reply by Ubu on August 15, 2009 at 7:47pm