TBD on Ning

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Good morning!would somebody shut off this rain please.

What rain?



Good morning Susan. Good Morning Robert. I'll have some of the Ham and over hard fried eggs please.

Another sunny day here in drought ravished Texas. However it is cool. Only in the 80s today.

hello, Robert and Susan and Robbie, and the rest of you when you wander in.

not sure why i'm up and at 'em earlier than usual today, but will try to make the most of it

nice day for the north west tell  the week end

Morning everyone....lucky me I have an eye appointment this morning. I hate going to the eye doctor..and he knows it, I am sure to mention it several times that I can't handle all the eye drops and such. I also hope I don't have to get new glasses. 

Wish me luck.

wishing you luck....
good luck
Had I known earlier, RRC, I would have traded my dentist for your eye doctor.  LOL

Good morning all

Is a beautiful day here...am going to go weigh in a WW and if I eat anymore of Robert's food, I am going to have to roll in...then to meet two long ago neighbors for lunch...we were friends together when I was pregnant with my twins...almost 35 years ago...am having many memories of those years long ago and will be really fun to hook up again...I think that the older I become the more I long for bonds from the past...My best friend Doatsy died about five years ago and makes me realize how very important it is to keep ties with old friends

RRC have fun at the eye doctor....and I hope that Richard gets his tooth fixed with the least amount of pain...

have a marvelous monday filled with love and laughter

Afternoon all..I have a minute before I pick Kiefer up from school and head shopping for '8th grade promotion clothes'. I hope I find a little something for me too. LOL
No new glasses for this gal...no changes, I survived the checkup, except he made me cry. I did order a pair of sunglasses, I need them for the big road trip in August.
He made you cry with a good check-up?  That mean man.
Back from the dentist sporting a new temporary crown.  I couldn't decide whether to have paper or plastic.  No wait, I mean porcelain or gold.  I suggested black, finally, but that wasn't met with much enthusiasm.  Not much pain even with a mouth full of power tools.  At this point I am drool free already so life is good.  :)




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