TBD on Ning

i'm a little slow, it's taken 5 days into the month for me to realize that i was still chatting in last month's thread.  but here we go, spring really IS going to show up and soon, Daylight Savings Time will be upon us -- daylight lasts longer into my favorite part of the day, but for the morning larks, it means they get to stare off into the darkness for an additional hour.

Tags: friends, happiness, spring

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happy is more than good, Thalia.  i do understand the 'never stopped' part, too!  it just feels good to know you're happy.

i stopped at the office of that housing development w/ the manufactured homes today, and got a couple booklets of the floor plans available.  singlewides start at $42K, doublewides in the "senior" area at about $110K.  they have county sewer and water -- septic would have been a deal-breaker, so that was good news!  i have a few more months to muse upon this....

Wow on the price of the double wide.  You could buy 2 singles and put them together for less.  LOLOL  I am guessing the single is 2 bedroom 1 bath and the double is 3 bedroom and 2 baths?

don't know, didn't get that far.  they offered to show 'em to me, but i'm not that far along in decision process yet.  got a tight money crunch to get thru 'til son gets his legal feet under him w/ his new practice.  May or even early June will be time enough, and i can do nothing and remain here with my view.  not to mention, coming up with down payment might be troublesome, but apparently they folks who own this development are willing to do lease-option, which would solve that part....

but yeah, either these are high-end manufactured homes or else prices have really sky-rocketed in the last 10 years!

One thing for sure, manufactured homes are built in better conditions by experts with closer inspection than homes built on site.

yeah, i had lunch with a long-retired colleague who lives in the county, here, yesterday.  he volunteers a LOT for Habitat4Humanity, and told me they now use prefab walls for all their homes now.  EnergyStar rated, 2x6 instead of 2x4, only the roof trusses are built on-site, he says.

nobody made it here today, huh.  well, it's the last hour of the day, so i'll tippy toe out quietly

Hi Lynn, as I look back on yesterday I see my mind was unusually disconnected from the internet.  Sharon asked me to photo 7 new necklaces so she could put them on her website also take them to her hairdresser today.  He has some of her pieces on display and for sale to his clients.  Then there is always the apartment design project to take up any time left.  I did relax last evening by watching a couple hockey games on the NBC Sports Channel.  I hope to retire someday.  ROFL

'slowly wandering in'

I am dragging, didn't get home from play practice until after 11 last night. Another long day ahead today with work and play practice again tonight. we open on the 10th so we are at crunch time. 

I still have some lines that are giving me a hell of a time so I am trying to spend every spare moment reading them. 

Good morning Crystal.  Gawd I wish I had 10% of your get=up and go driving force.  No wait, on second thought I have to remember I am built for comfort not for speed.  Hehehehe.  Good luck with learning your lines.  That's something I could never begin to take on.  Now, what was I talking about?  :)

thanks for stopping in, Crystal!  working all day and practice at nite must be brutal, i can only imagine.  but at the same time, i know you enjoy it (or parts of it), else you wouldn't be doing it!

hi, Richard!  you're staying busy too.  tonite is the other option for having Sharon's necklace appear on TV, right?  i sure hope it happens!

hey, happy Friday, everybody!  hard to believe we're right to the end of the first quarter of the year, but life's definitely looking up!  spring is beautiful, and at least here, the threat of frost will be gone in a couple more weeks and i can move my big ficus tree out to the balcony!  yippee! 

Happy Friday nite!  Put in pretty much a full day of work.  Took a break to take Sharon for a blood draw and to the postal mail box.

Not much happening over the weekend here.  Sunday night we are hosting my daughter and her hubby, his parents, and his brother and sister-in-law at dinner in a downtown restaurant.  We all have a good time visiting when we get together.




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