TBD on Ning

i'm a little slow, it's taken 5 days into the month for me to realize that i was still chatting in last month's thread.  but here we go, spring really IS going to show up and soon, Daylight Savings Time will be upon us -- daylight lasts longer into my favorite part of the day, but for the morning larks, it means they get to stare off into the darkness for an additional hour.

Tags: friends, happiness, spring

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Excitement here!  Sharon has been contacted by a "stylist" wanting to borrow one of her necklaces for Esperanza Spawlding to wear on an upcoming David Letterman show.  If you are unfamiliar Ms Spawlding is a young jazz singer and bass player from Portland currently teaching at the Burklee College of Music in Boston.

whoopee!  that's fabulous!

but "borrow" versus "purchase" -- can Sharon sell a previously worn piece, or will that be good only for marketing value?  well, if Ms. Spawlding happens to mention Sharon's contribution to her wardrobe on the show, it's worth a bunch, so wishing that to happen!  yippee!

nice and warm, here, for the rest of the week, i'm loving it!  temps in the mid-70s!

Oh I envy your warm weather Lynn.  I woke up to snow this morning.  Just a dusting here but 2"+ up in the west hills.  I drove through it to take Sharon to a doctor appointment.  Fortunately the temps were in the high 30s so no harm no foul.

Sharon is promised a credit on this person's website.  I don't know about the sale after it has been worn.  It could be a good marketing opportunity to mention who has worn it and at a higher price because of it.  LOL

my younger nephew is spending spring break in Portland, he posted to facecrack about snow.  hope it DID warm up some, at least....  i'm thinking that temps in hi 70s might be late summer highs for there?

credit on Spawlding's website, ok, that'll help!  i'll be interested to see how this develops, 'tis all foreign to me!  but wonderful that Sharon made something (and you photographed it!) that caught the artist's fancy!  Bravo!

Don't know nothing bout jewelry.  but, it was 85 here today.

85 is too hot!  That is unless the humidity is really low.  But I'll take it any way I can.

Good afternoon, everyone!  It's supposed to get into the 70's here in the 'Burgh today, and the sun is shining!  This is uncommon weather for March around here, but I'll take it.  :-)

on my afternoon teleconference, while we were kibbitzing waiting for roll call, folks in Wisconsin reported hi 70s temps just the same as in Jacksonville, FL. what a year this has been!

Richard, for me, 85 isn't too hot unless i'm in a place with no breeze and no fan.  the birds are lovin' it, they've been singing all day long!

i had the balcony door open for a while (no screen there, just french door), but had to close it when the wasps and hornets began hovering around, don't need them coming inside to visit....

i survived back2back conference calls today, 4 hours total.  f.r.i.e.d ..b.r.a.i.n.s

Yes, it was well into the 80s again today. But I wasn't working so I still haven't turned on the A/C.

Richard, the heat in florida is never dry. Wel maybe a little when it is being produced by a forest or grass fire.(:>)

It is too hot too early in Kansas. We are in the 80's all week. We are in desperate need of moisture, I heard last night we are already on water warnings...and it's March. If it keeps up it is going to be a long, hot summer. 

Congrats to Sharon..I hope she gets pics of Esperanza wearing her jewelry.

You should post the Etsy link again..I looked, but can't find it.

Have a fabulous day all!! 

I just saw on the weather that east of the rocky mountains the temps are way above normal while the westside is below normal.  Is "global warming" a regional thing?  LOL

Sharon's Etsy shop is here:   http://www.etsy.com/shop/TealEves 

Have a cooler good day.  :)

noted yesterday that the low temp (in the lower 48) was somewhere in Arizona, and again today.  for the day before, in both cases, but that's just bizarre.  bizarre is my new favorite word, have you noticed, have i used it here?

apparently, this weather pattern is due to some southern hemisphere oscillation that never bothered us before, cooperating with the Artic oscillation and La Nina.  there's not telling how long it'll last, but it's weather, so it will eventually shift....  me, i'm just gonna' enjoy it while i can.

windows are open, it's still warmer outside than my thermostat setting!  Missus Cardinal is surveying the world from the big tree outside my living room window.  yesterday, the male was there.  oh, and this afternoon, returning from the pool, after i parked, i noted that there was a yellow cat walking down the hill, below me.  strange setup, but there's a wetland or tiny creek further downhill from these apartments, but not as low as the WalMart, it's fenced off from the apts but deer graze there in the fall and so forth. 

anyhow, i looked at this cat, wondering if it's a bobcat.  it's got a huge long tail and if it's a housecat, it's a 22-25 pounder, so could be, but i'm thinking it must be a wild one.  s/he wasn't even trying to hide, stopped at the edge of the trees, sat down, and turned around and watched me watching him/her.  but then somebody wanted to park in that space where i was standing, so i had to move.  sigh. 

it wasn't a tabby, but had ring markings on its tail -- does that make it not a bobcat?




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