For me there are a few things. First and foremost I got my political views from my mom. She was a liberal Jew who grew up in El Paso, TX. The first thing I remember was coming home from school on Nov. 22, 1963 and my mom was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me the president was shot and killed. At first I thought, "Well he's not a relative or friend so why is she crying." But she made me aware of how important this was.
The next thing for me was when I was 12 Pete Seeger was to sing at the school auditorium but the powers that be wanted to squash because Pete was a card carrying communist. I didn't know any of this at the time but, what the hell, I love protests. So I joined in demanding, "LET SEEGER SING".
After this I was a full-fledged hippie. We had the Vietnam war and the protests against racial divide, womens rights and gay rights and I was into it all. I went to Woodstock. I ran from and held the police in disdain. I marched in Anti-Vietnam war protests and moved from the right coast to the left coast.
And, that's how I've been ever since. Yes, I'm an almost 56 year old rebel but, I will be left wing for the rest of my life!!!!
So, relate your back story. What shaped your political views?