TBD on Ning

I'm sure most of you are with change.org but just in case please stop Palin from being aired on Discovery by signing this petition.

Discovery Communications — the parent company of The Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, TLC and others, and known for their wildlife-focused programs — is planning to produce an 8-part TV show on Sarah Palin's Alaska

Discovery says it regards Palin as being "one of [Alaska's] proudest daughters." 

Never mind that the former governor was an unabashed champion of Alaska's brutal and bloody aerial wolf-slaughter program and fought against increased protections for endangered whales and America's dwindling populations of polar bears

According to reports, Palin will earn about $1 million per episode from the nature-focused series. 

Act now: Send a powerful message to Discovery Communications expres...

Sarah Palin's Alaska is a "reality TV" show that aims to showcase the "powerful beauty of Alaska," according to Discovery's TLC website. 

But the real Sarah Palin's Alaska is an ugly reality. As governor for only two-and-a-half years, Sarah Palin escalated an aerial wolf-slaughter campaign that continues to this very day. She even planned to offer a $150 bounty for the severed forelimb of each killed wolf

It's ironic that Sarah Palin will now earn millions hosting a nature show after spending years fighting against Alaska's natural heritage. 

Send a message to Discovery Communications — and let them know that...

Thanks for taking a stand, 

- The Change.org Team in partnership
  with Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

Tags: Discovery Channel, Sarah Palin

Views: 6

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Who cares? Discovery must have been pretty sure of the demographic it was going after when they pitched the idea to the former governor, and apparently it wasn't anyone in this forum.

You know, Conservatives are entitled to their opinions. If you don't share them you can change the channel, contact the sponser and tell them you don't approve, or come up with alternative programming solutions.
I signed...but I'm having second thoughts. ANY political party that would take this incredibly ignorant woman seriously threatens to become an irrelevant laughing stock. To that end, I think I'll start a Sarah For President move. This light weight couldn't pony up enough votes to carry ONE state, much less enough to win. As soon as the real voters get past her D cups....there isn't much left.
The network will quit airing the show if the sponsers pull out. Back in the 80's some woman wrote a letter to Coca-Cola that she would quit using their product if they continued to sponser "Married with Children". Coke almost immediately yanked their sponsership, causing Jay Leno to say, "just how much Coke was this woman drinking anyway?"

I have this dream. It's a Ghost Buster's scenerio where you guys are getting chased down the street, but instead of being chased by the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man, you're running away from a giant Sarah.
Hell no. Sarah doesn't scare me. Everytime I hear her talk and I watch my Republican parents wince, I'm pretty safe in the knowledge that her chance of winning higher office is as good as Rush Limbaugh's getting elected to anything.
Then why oh why do you care if she does this show?
I see two of the "interviewess" have insisted that their pieces be PULLED from her show...and that SHE hasn't interviewed ANY of those 'guests'. LL Cool J just went up several notches in my mind...as did Toby Keith!
And how EXTREMELY fitting that her show debuts on APRIL FOOLS Day!
That was a different show but the date is still appropriate.
As I said somewhere else, they only signed her for a half of a season, 8 episodes, they must have heard of her term as Governor.




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