has anyone else seen "the power of nightmare", the BBC documentary? it is a very interesting study of the rise of radical islam and the rise of neo-conservatism and the parallels between the two. they both rose out of the idea that to make people easier to control, it is necessary to inject fear into their lives. it is three one hour episodes. you can watch it all on youtube in 10 minute increments.
yep, but that is part of their whole game. did you watch them all? i haven't watched part 3 yet, but in part 2, they were in the 90's, and it dealt with who they saw bill clinton as the biggest threat to the neo-conservative movement and how they went through much to prove him immoral. of course, in the end, the only thing that was true was his tryst with monica lewinsky, but tell that to much of america. they remember the accusations, not the results. it is quite interesting how it is all right to like to force a "moral" (subservient) society.
I have been raving about Strauss and the NEOCONS for several years on TBD. The lower level NEOCONS just dont "get" the connection. He (Strauss) created the NEOCON philosophy.
i liked toward the end of the 3rd episode when the guy said,
"a society that believes in nothing is particularly frightened by people that believe in anything, therefore, we label these people fundamentalists or fanatics and they have much greater purchase in terms of the fear they instill in society than they truly deserve, but that's a measure of how much we have become isolated and atomized rather than their inherent strength."
i see some truth in this statement. i'm still slightly scared of the religious right though. ;>)