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Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
By VOA News
09 October 2009

U.S. President Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo recognized Mr. Obama for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

The committee said it had attached special importance to the president's vision of and work for "a world without nuclear weapons.

In announcing the award, the Nobel committee said that under Mr. Obama's leadership "dialogue and negotiations" are preferred as instruments for resolving "even the most difficult international conflicts."

The committee said the U.S. leader has "captured the world's attention" and "given its people hope for a better future."

It added that thanks to Mr. Obama's initiative, the U.S. is now playing a "more constructive role" in meeting the "great climatic challenges the world is confronting."

The peace prize comes as the U.S. is involved in two wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The prize is worth almost $1.5 million and will be handed over on December 10.

Mr. Obama, who has been in office for less than a year, is the first African American president. His mother was from Kansas, his father from Kenya.


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not the first time it was gven to the wrong person.
Cynthia, when do you think it's been given out erroneously in the past?
My motto, "Put up or shut up." Do the research or don't make the claim. ;-)
I support the President in all of his efforts to date, but I wonder if the award is a little premature. It was said that he received it for changing the level and atmosphere of the discussions of peace around the world. I'm not sure that giving him an award for acting as a President should is right. Yeah, Bush sucked rocks on the international level, and Obama has improved our international relations. Perhaps an honorable mention would have been more appropriate.
They must be feeling a little of that relief and hope we felt when he won the election. Remember how you felt? I think many of us were teary-eyed? I know I was. After dealing with arrogant dumba$$ for 8 years it was absolute RELEIF to finally have someone who could 1) talk in an intelligent manner 2) Try to unite people rather than polarize. So yes, thats what I think, they are also hopeful for change in a much better direction.
I remember how I felt. Relieved that the Bush era was over, and apprehensive because I knew he'd draw a lot of negative attention from those that actually thought the last 8 years were good.

I think it was funny that he thought he was being punked. lol

Apparently he's had more of a positive affect on the world beyond our borders than we can see from here. The haze from the haters kind of obscures it at times.
How cool is that?
Very cool. Validates his approach to dialogue and foreign policy, whether this approach proves fruitful is another question. At least the guy is trying.
I have difficulty grasping the fact that there are really so many sore losers running around. I mean, wtf? McCain offered his congratulations. What's wrong with the rest of them? I just don't get it. It's kinda depressing really.
The thing that he is good at is giving speeches. That's it, what has he done ? Contintue the tarp* and give the Navy the go ahead to shoot the pirates. That's it, as far as I can see.
Locally, he's improved the access to quality stem cells for research. He LOANED TARP funds instead of just giving them away to banks and auto manufacturers.

Internationally, he's created open channels for talk instead of scaring everybody. So he has done quite a bit, but given the fact that the cut off date for nomination was in February, things before that would have been what the person nominating him had in mind. Apparently he was able to impress the nominating committee since then.
I only believe in adult stem cell it is the only one that has had any sucuess. embryo nothing has come of it. So that is a failure before it even started. Two taking a life to save a life is murder.
otherwise he hasnt done anything to me to get it.




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