TBD on Ning

First, here, May 14, 2009, is when Rand Paul announced his intention to run for the Senate in Kentucky.  He made his announcement while appearing on the Rachel Maddow Show. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/20/rand-paul-tells-maddow-th_...

He did run and won the Republican Primary to be the candidate for the November 2010 election.  And once again appeared on Rachel Maddow's Show, May 19, 2010, where he made some very controversial remarks about racism and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show...

Today, on Laura Ingram's show Rand Paul is trying to back pedal.  He made similar remarks against the Civil Rights Legislation on NPR and on Joe Scarborough's show. His back pedaling is amusing, he says he shouldn't  have appeared on Rachel's show. Ok he now insists he would not try to repeal the Civil Rights law.  Still there is much to think about.  Just what does Rand Paul believe and what do the people who voted for him believe?

Politico is reporting his back pedaling: http://www.politico.com/playbook/0510/playbook1054.html

Rand Paul's remarks left other Republicans in tizzy, the racism they promote for vote getting is supposed to be kept swept under the carpet.

Really peculiar part of the Rachel Interview, comparing the right to refuse service similar to the right for a business owner to forbid carrying a firearm into a business.

Personally, I think they, the Republicans, should like Rand Paul, be open about it and let the nation really decide, do we continue the back stroke to the past, with Republicans, or do we move forward, as we Liberal/Commie/Nazi/Marxist/Socialst/Progressive/Democrats have been trying to do since the 1960s?

If I have have seen the racism in Republican Party political campaigns, I am certain others have as well, both those who are for it and those who are against racism.

Be open, tell us what you really think, why hide it if you believe it?

Tags: America, Kentucky, Party, Paul, Rand, Tea, politics, racism

Views: 42

Replies to This Discussion

Is Rand Paul Racist? Good question, depending on what racist means. He is not polished politician yet. He just expressed most of them (the so-called conservatives) say or think when there are no cameras around. If this guy win, you will see, he would sound ardent support of civil right laws, while voting against any legislation that would level the playing fields. He was not supposed to blurt out what his intentions are, just dismantle them one legislation at time. So the original question, is he a racist, if racist means to do everything he can to deny equal opportunities for all citizens, or to say what he is going to do if he is elected, he is. Then aren't they all, those who do the later, but have nice words to deny what their intentions are but do those things anyway.




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